I don't think it's the bacteria that causes the problem - more likely it's the hop particles creating nucleation sites for CO2 to break out of solution.
i'm planning on 2 brews with some 1762 i have coming courtesy of joking,i've never brewed a belgian before and have little experience drinking them so after trolling t'interweb this is what i've come up with,
first is an enkel, i'm thinking
80% pils
15% vienna
5% carapils
hallertau aroma at 60 and 15 to about 25-30 ibu
mash at 60c
wash the yeast and brew a dubbel
Pilsner Malt - 92.5%
Belgian Aromatic Malt - 2.5%
Belgian Special B Malt - 5%
Mash @ 66 for 60 minutes or more if needed for conversion
Boil 60 minutes
Additions of Amber Candi Syrup 500g - 60 min
Tettnang 30g. - 60 min (approx 18 IBUs)
Hallertauer 15g - 5 min
Just milled for tomorrow's brew. When Albrecht came to my birthday drinks he very kindly brought me some hops from his own garden. I've never brewed with whole hops before, and never with Smoothcone so this will be a bit of an experiment. I've kept the grist simple to let the hops shine on their own, and pushed them all to late additions.
Well, it was an interesting brewday. All went very smoothly, even my new chiller which brought the wort down to pitching temp inside 45 mins. The wort going into the fermenter was amazingly clear, no doubt helped by the huge filter bed of hop flowers at the bottom of the kettle! 170g of flowers certainly expand to fill up a heck of a lot of space! Quite a subtle flavour in the hydro sample. I hit 1.044 so that's good enough for me. Should hopefully be the first of the summer quaffers.
Permalink Reply by MrC on September 26, 2010 at 6:27pm
I'll be interested to know whether you think the chiller makes a difference to the final beer. I still chill my two pots in the bath and yesterday I got the temp from 100C down to 18C in around 45 mins also. It was down to approx 30C in 30 min.
I often entertain the idea of getting a bigger pot and a chiller but I'm not convinced it would improve my beers.
I've had a chiller for a while, and usually get to 18C in 35-45 mins. I'm experimenting at the moment with the "budget" whirlpool chiller: stirring gently with a sanitised spoon (through a tiny gap between the pot and lid covered around with foil) just to keep the wort constantly moving over the surface of the chiller.
Results are dramatic. It gets down to 18C in 15 minutes.
Now I'm back into doing hoppy beers I'll see if I notice the difference.
Permalink Reply by jt on September 29, 2010 at 1:53pm
I'm planning another low gravity clone of Stu's American Porter for this weekend.
The first attempt is still in the keg and it's a bit of a novelty having a 5% beer on tap, tastes good and I'm trying to make it last.
But I want to tinker with it. The 1.050 version was good, but at 70% or so IBU to OG, needed a bit more 60 minute grit to it, so I'm upping that.
Also going to go with the Styrian Goldings additions at 15 and power off.
There's nothing wrong with all that Cascade, but I'm picking that the SG's will add the other dimension that I remembered in the commercial release that wasn't in my LGC