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Since this is the most popular thread on the RealBeer.co.nz forum I thought I would start it here just to see what happens

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Heres what I done before I read your comment again, I thought you said no relevance but it was doesn't actually have much. So basiclly we are all talking about the same shit. Boring!!

2 experiments

1) 100mls Tap water 7.53ph heated to 70deg than mashed with 40g Chocolate malt = mash ph of 4.3

2) 100mls Tap water @ 7.53ph + 1/2 Level teaspoon of Calcium Carbonate = a strike water of 8.5ph Heated to 70deg and mashed with 40g Chocolate malt = mash of a ph of 4.9

I know that you can also have a high Ph in soft water. But there is relavance in certain instances.

Do you think there would be so many RA calculators/nomographs/spreadsheets out there if it really was as simple as 1 = 1?

1 = 1, Yes I do believe it is simple, Do you believe it needs to be complicated? People make an income from making those graphs so thats why I think there is so much out there. What these professors need to do is relax have a homebrew and stop making it seem complicated when its not!!

Well for me anyway water chemistry is not complicated and since performing water witchery my beer is so much better for I hit all my mash ph ranges I get strong attenuation clear and clean beer and high mash efficientcys, But then again I have soft water and dont really have to worry about anything appart from adding the verious seasonings to the beer.

Also I know why the mash ph was up in the second experiment, Carbonate nuetralising the acidity of the Choc malt, im not that thick!! well sometimes!!
Looks like I've opened a can of worms on this one! To be honest I need to do a lot more reading and understanding about this before I start playing, hence the idea of the PH meter. I was going to see what my PH was at mash time over a few brews before starting to look at adding salts, if indeed I needed to.

I think from memory when I last looked at one of the spreadsheets it showed that there was a range of srm colours that your water could brew without adjustment. With the water numbers I put in for Wellington light coloured beers (<12srm I think) were not going to require adjustments. From today's readings that looks to be true.

I don't plan on anything dark for my next few brews so will have to wait sometime to see how my PH changes at mash in depending on grist.

Right, time for a glass of my WnBC winning stout, no salt added!
For everyones info; I have just Started a PacMan starter, The yeast from straight of the pack smells good enough to drink!! If my IPA, Pale Ales etc smell as good as that I will be a happy man, Its very tropical and citrusy and smells no where near like yeast!! Cant wait!!
I got the same thing when I opened mine.

Split the smack pack into seven 10mL vials and froze them, just about to step one up to 1800mL now. I've got a ruination style IPA on the books with mine.

Know what you're using yours for Mike?
Yip, First up is a maltless pale ale, than an IPA than a Stout. Than its into weird things like high pitch, low pitch, etc, you????
Give it a run in an IPA first to get a feel for it.

Was thinking it may be good for an RIS I have planned. Since they use it for Dead Guy I might try some 'lager' styles with it. I'll take it as it comes and it'll be my sub for US05 for a while.
Yeah IPA or Pale Ale, I see that they ferment there beers with the stuff from John Maiers mouth, they pitch loads of yeast and ferment at 61. I must brew another RIS and Barleywine this year!!
I'm interested to hear how this turns out. I have a smackpack in the fridge and wondering what to use it for first.
Non Alcoholic Ginger Beer
3L water
1 Lemon's juice
1Tbsp dried ginger
0.5Tbsp Cream of Tartar
S33 yeast

Brewed It with my Dad (Mr Cherry)
Looking forward to tasting it as soon as its fizzy.

Master Cherry
Mashed this one in about 30 minutes ago.

Jacob's Hefeweizen
23 litres, 90 minutes boil
Brewhouse Efficiency 85%
Anticipated OG 1.051

2600.00 gm Wheat (Weyermann) (4.0 EBC) Grain 49.06 %
2000.00 gm Premium Pilsner (Weyermann) (2.5 EBC) Grain 37.74 %
200.00 gm Carawheat (Weyermann) (98.5 EBC) Grain 3.77 %
500.00 gm Rice Hulls (0.0 EBC) Adjunct 9.43 %
20.00 gm Hallertauer Tradition [5.70 %] (60 min) Hops 11.9 IBU
10.00 gm Hallertauer Tradition [5.70 %] (10 min) Hops 2.1 IBU
1.00 items Whirlfloc Tablet (Boil 10.0 min) Misc
3.00 gm Chalk (Mash 10.0 min) Misc
3.00 gm Chalk (Mash 60.0 min) Misc
1 Pkgs Weizen (Wyeast #Weihenstephan 3068) [Starter 3000 ml] [Cultured] Yeast-Wheat

Can't be bothered doing a decoction, too many other things to do. Single infusion mash at 65.7ºC

111IBU, 1.076, 6.3 SRM

7.2 kg ADM pilsner malt
0.4 kg Baird's Caramalt

Mashed at 66C

35g Warrior @ 60 mins
15g Columbus @ 60 mins

30g Centennial @ 30 mins

30g Cent @ 15 mins

30g Cent @ 0 mins

Dry hop with 30g Cent for seven days, remove, add second dry hop of 30g Cent for another 7 days.

Pacman yeast - 1800mL starter.

Original recipe was a Stone Ruination clone.

Quite a few reasons for brewing this beer, hence the name. I've never used Centennial solo so I'd like tho showcase that hop. I'd like to try the double dry hopping method. To see how ADM malt works in American styled beers. To see if a 60 minute boil is enough to avoid DMS with ADM. What this Pacman strain likes to do. How a small addition of high cohumulone hops in my bittering addition works out.
what is this pacman strain that's got everybody talking?


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