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Since this is the most popular thread on the RealBeer.co.nz forum I thought I would start it here just to see what happens

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Yeah I thought about that but wasn't sure how much, if any it dilutes the final product. Decided to play it a little safe and leave as is.
Cream of Gold (Pre-Prohibition Cream Ale) tomorrow am to try out my new mill and have a bit of fun with a teeny batch

85% Gladfield Pils
15% Corn, Flaked
28IBU Columbus @60
3.4IBU Amarillo @5
2g/L Amarillo Dry Hop for 7 days or so
Dry Stout tomorrow

1.042 41 IBU

70% Pale Ale Malt (Baird's Pearl)
20% Flaked Barley (Organic! Haha)
8% Roast Barley
1% Black Malt
1% Choc Malt

Whatever hops I can scrap from the freezer to get 41IBU @ 60 mins

WLP028 (Scottish Ale)

Deviated a little from the standard 70-20-10% Stout grist by a little, hoping to add a little complexity to the roast character with a couple percent of the other roasted grains. Didn't have any Irish ale yeast on hand, Cal ale yeast is also recommended I believe but I didn't feel like using it. The Scottish ale is in the same attenuation range as the Irish yeast, doesn't throw too many esters, and floccs pretty well - plus I had some in the freezer.

I have BBQ sauce on me somewhere and I can smell it, it's annoying.
I have BBQ sauce on me somewhere and I can smell it, it's annoying

Amazing sauce thoughts DG - the HLT - umm, the warehouse pot - gets a work out tomorrow making tomato sauce.
I didn't get organised and make it earlier in the year, but there's so many cheap glasshouse tomato's about at the moment I thought it was worth a go.

I've just got to make sure I clean well otherwise I'll have a batch of Motueka tomato brown on Sunday
Any chance you'd share your recipe for the Tomato Sauce jt?
I tried one once with onions & dates but it was too runnie and too datie. I'd like to try it again some day.

My kids like the Tuimato sauce (2% Tui), I've been thinking about a Cherrymato version.

Basic-o-mato Mr Cherry - the 1.040 beginers sauce

I haven't made a T sauce before so went with the Edmonds recipe which I've sampled from other people, with the addition of some garlic - which all the family like - for some interest

There was a bit of unplanned caramelisation in the kettle, though my evaporation rate was lower than expected and got a good volume in the jar !

I've made chutneys before and was a bit surprised by how runny the boil was, did'nt stir quite as much as I should have due to this and hence the unplanned caramelisation

Just spat back at the dirty blande that hissed at me - time to go keg the styrian ale and find out first hand about SO4 in a low og pale beer
Amber Ale

Marris Otter 5kg
Amber 0.7kg
Crystal 120 0.3kg
Carapils 0.2kg

Super Alpha 25g 60min
Super Alpha 15g 30min
Super Alpha 10g 15min
Super Alpha 10g 10min
Super Alpha 10g 5min
Super Alpha 30g 0min


OG 1.060

Mashed at 68C.

Came out a little stronger than expected. Going for a pine flavoured malty brew.
pine flavoured

Christmas tree in a bottle !
already trademarked!
What?! How can you trademark 'Christmas tree in a bottle'?? It's been used in Europe for centuries now, since St Aidan first fermented the Abbey Ale with a pine cone that he dropped in the barrel.

St Aidan sips 'Christmas tree in a bottle - 1362AD'

pinus beeriata
I gave some of my latest batch of English Mild/Bitter to one of my golfing buddies recently.
He is originally from Lancashire, where he was the Landlord of a pub for 20 years. He was also one of the first members of CAMRA, so he knows his beers.

The feedback I got was: Ooooh aaah, that were a loooovelyyy beer.

It's nice to get some encouragement from time to time.

This is it:

23 litres
3500.00 gm Pale Ale (5.9 EBC) Grain 82.16 %
390.00 gm Crystal Medium (145.0 EBC) Grain 9.15 %
220.00 gm CaraMunich II (120.0 EBC) Grain 5.16 %
150.00 gm Amber Malt (85.0 EBC) Grain 3.52 %
35.00 gm EK Goldings [4.50 %] (60 min) Hops 17.5 IBU
25.00 gm Willamette [4.60 %] (10 min) Hops 4.6 IBU
WY1968 starter OG1.045 FG 1.010


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