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Since this is the most popular thread on the RealBeer.co.nz forum I thought I would start it here just to see what happens

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Im thinking by not adding riwaka late to the boil stops giving the onion smell, and dryhopping it gives it a lemongrass smell flavour to it!! Come grab a bottle of my NZIIPA and you will no what I mean!!
I couldnt help myself so I added 2% Caramunich II to the grist all milled and set up for tomorrow night even weighed out my dryhop to which I added 30g of Amarillo.
What happened to the onion pilsner? Did it fade?

I'm fermenting another late hopped Riwaka beer at the moment. I could be in onion heaven in two weeks time.
I think I got a bottle let us know if you want a bottle to try, it would be a good test as to see what riwaka can do!! Hmmm Onion!! I dont know if I will use this whole kg of Riwaka!!
I only used about 100gram of Riwaka in my Blonde Joke Ale, however there was no onion in it, and lemongrass does come to mind!

Edit: That was 75g
Two brews planned,

First a dubbel using some advice from the now busy nappy changing Joking.

6kg Pale
0.5kg munich
0.35kg cara munich
0.25kg caraamber
0.3 kg sugar
Wyeast trappist
Nelson Sauvin 20g @ 60min

Next up a hoppy stout, the name? Well I've just formed the opinion I'll call the beer what song I was listening to at the time of the recipes inception.

Cold Blooded Old Times Stout
5.5 kg pale
0.3kg crystal
0.45kg Black Patent (woo, yeah, sounds heavy handed)
25g Nelson Sauvin @ 60min
25g Cascade @ 15min
50g Willamette @ o min

Interesting you're brewing this.

I'm brewing a small batch this weekend of American Stout, will probably go with Jamil's recipe.

Haven't decided how much I will actually brew but going for 12 bottles, whether they'll be 330, 500 or 750 mL...I dunno yet.
Yeah I should have a listen to Jamil's words on the style. I was just getting jacked of by everyone quaffing phat american beers! What more motivation do you need...and at hop harvest time and all.
I actually listened to that podcast today at work in preparation, that one's good for a laugh but not really any unexpected info in there.

The grist I've got planned looks similar to that, 1.072 -

5.9 pils (JZ recommended US 2 row over UK pale for this style)
0.39 roast barley
0.39 choc malt
0.29 crystal pale

Only two additions for mine, 28g of centennial @ 5 mins and a bittering addition to bring it up to about 73 IBU.
Brother Bambule... I dont wanna be a pain in the arse... but can you save me some of your trappist yeast slurry? Mine fell out of the fridge a few days ago and met a horrible death on the cold tied floor...

... I can make it worth your while?
Jo... I tasted your and Mike's Dubbels - two kick arse brewers but can I say they both needed a little more spice and dryness to really hit the mark (in my oponion - or IMHO if you're that way inclined). The dryness may have let the spices out. They were both really good but just a little to clean to wish I'd had a whole keg (like I do with most of the other MN or JK beers I've tried).
Yeah I remember you mentioning adding Caraafa II which could be an option? It will be intresting with the Belgian Stout to see what the percived dryness of the beer will be like considering it should finish around .016 - 0.18. Lots of Cara afa in that, but in saying that 2 very difrent brews. And I still do believe that the dirty flavours will come out with age once the bigger dominating Phenols piss off.


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