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Since this is the most popular thread on the RealBeer.co.nz forum I thought I would start it here just to see what happens

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Stu, have you tried the West Yorkshire #1469?
Kid Chocolate is fermented with that yeast, definately strong and attenuative.
Yep - it is out there now in Kid Chocolate (and in an ordinary bitter in my cellar right now). I like it a lot.

Great balance of esters, malt and hop. No wonder Tim Taylor beers are so famous.
Isn't 1099 S04?
I'd suspect that it is more likely 1098, which is renowned for being a little tart.
I was a right dickhead with 1098... I bought this stuff (in the form of wlp007) for like $15 or so... I didn't even realise in was in dried form until I had used it. Ironic that the previous brew was s04.
It'd be worth a comparison. S04 takes an age to condition into a nice beer (in my opinion - it's too estery early on).
I better add a caution to my Irish Stout in the case swap then.... it was fermented with S04, so if it tastes crap I'm blaming the yeast! :)
1098 British Ale Yeast. The original dried yeast from Whitbread. Produces beer with a clean, neutral finish allowing malt and hop character to dominate. Ferments dry and crisp, slightly tart, fruity and well-balanced. Ferments well down to 65° F (18° C). Flocculation - medium; apparent attenuation 73-75% (64-72° F - 18-22°C).

Would you equate S04 wit hWhitbread ?
S04 is supposed to be a Whitbread yeast, but its flocculation level is high, hence I assumed it is 1099. Could be something entirely different I suppose.
Well, I just did a "Last of the Summer Ales" blonde ale with UK 2-row, a dab of Munich, and TONS of Riwaka hops, using 1099. If S04 is the same yeast, I'm the sibling of the father of a simian. The hop character shines through beautifully, enhanced with soft fruity undertones from the yeast that simply aren't there in S04, or "hop crusher" as it's known around here.

Thing is, I'll probably keep using it, as I'm finding liquid yeasts are just so much hassle when you just wake up wanting to brew.
Munich Helles on Sat

91% Ger Pils
7% Munich
3% Melanoiden

66C Single infusion

27g Tettnanger (19IBU)

Wyeast Nutrient
CaCl2, CaSO4

Wyeast 2124 Bo Lager, pitch at 7C, ferment at 10C, rise to 15C to finish, lager at 4C.


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