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Since this is the most popular thread on the RealBeer.co.nz forum I thought I would start it here just to see what happens

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I havnt every Dryhopped with the stockings they allways in my case drop out. In the evnt of them not I usualy just double up the sanatised stocking and cable tie it to the end of my transfer line and proceded to fill keg, I have used them in a keg hop with good success!!
I thought people were using them to dry hop with
So you run the beer through the stocking filled with hops when you keg Mike ?
Ya its call a after ferment hop back sock thing!! i fill up keg about 1l then attach hopsock drop in keg then turn back on. Or I fill um a stocking with about 30g and chuck in keg!!
Does the stocking in the keg ever block the diptube ?
Nope you put a cable tie and a string to the gas inlet!!
So the stocking doesn't quiet reach the bottom of the keg then ... hmmmm
Nah it probably dosnt give or take a litre or 2, I figure most of what I wanted out of the hop is allready happend!! You have to be carefull with this method and not go to crazy as it can leave you with a rather numb tongue if you know what I mean.
So what's the most amount of pellets you've put in a keg Mike - and what was the OG of the beer ?

What sort of conditioning time do you give them ?
The most I have chucked in is 30g after a 100g dry hop It was probably a little OTT, but I have used 30g with no dryhop and that worked well for me it felt more like a 50g dryhop but a lot hop brighter the keg never got a chance to condition out as it was one of those christmas kegs that just vanish!! so the harshness was still there. I wouldnt mind gettin the Tea mesh balls like on craft brewer and chucking a couple of plugs in one!!
Hey JT, I know someone who knows someone who knows someone who has about half a kilo of Super Alpha flowers if you are keen?
Jeez JK, I could pop into the Hutt store and pickup a box of SA cones - not sure if they'd be a 21st century crop though !

You'd have to convince me the benefit of cones over pellets ...
I prefer pellets perspnally - I just new you liked the stuff, and thought you may be keen on a freebie.


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