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Since this is the most popular thread on the RealBeer.co.nz forum I thought I would start it here just to see what happens

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Looks tasty.  I'm bottle conditioning one now:

23L OG: 1.064

4kg Weyerman Pilsner

700gm Wyerman Caramunich II

700gm Gladfield Munich

700gm Flaked Oats

90 minute boil

150gm Wet Nelson Sauv @ 60

500gm Wet Nelson Sauv - Continuous addition from 20min to 0min

250gm Wet Nelson Sauv @ Flame Out

No dry hopping. Fermented out to 1.014 with US-05.

Looks good, where did you get NZ as a wet hop?  Go roadside picking?

Sourced hops from http://brewtopia.net.nz/  (used to be allgrain).  Had hopes of entering their fresh hop competition...

Alas - It seems I've had my third infected brew in a row with this one after replacing suspect equipment/processes one by one.  Time to ditch my old Coopers fermenter methinks :(

This was the first brew in my new grainfather and it smelt amazing going into the fermenter. Gutted!

Getting ready for stout season with Beamishish,  Full blog here

20L      OG:1.046      IBU:31

3.2 kg Pale Malt

400 gms Light Chocolate Malt

300 gms White Wheat Malt

300 gms Dark Crystal Malt

20 gms Pacific Jade @ 60′

Mash rest @ 65C for 90′, double batch sparge of 77C

Fermenting at 18C with SO4

A few minor disasters on brew day.

The recipe was supposed to have cara pils but I must have cocked up my order or last brew (which was pretty tasty) because I had no cara pils and 1.3 kg of CaraMalt that I had no use for, so subbed that in.

This is only the second time I have used my barley crusher, first time was great and hit my efficiency at my target of 75%. This time the grind on the setting from last time looked too fine so I made it courser and my efficiency was shit (52%). That's why there is a can of Mangrove jacks - Liquid Light malt in there, I just bought it to the boil with some water to thin it out let it cool a bit and threw it in the fermenter and gave it a shake, about 24 hours after brew. Defiantly blaming crush, mash temp was 67, sparge was good, recirculated for about 10 min at start and end got super clear wort. Teach me for messing with a setting that worked great last time.

At 10min till flame out I opened the taps to start sterilizing my pump and hoses and hot beer gushed out a join. Turns out an O ring had fallen out of a female quick disconnect luckily the hose stretched over the male bit on the pump so clamped that down and started the whirl pool.

Centennial PA
14-B American IPA

Size: 40.0 L @ 20 °C
Efficiency: 52.44%
Attenuation: 75.0%
Calories: 204.39 kcal per 12.0 fl oz

Original Gravity: 1.061 (1.056 - 1.075)
Terminal Gravity: 1.015 (1.010 - 1.018)
Color: 12.58 (6.0 - 15.0)
Alcohol: 6.04% (5.5% - 7.5%)
Bitterness: 51.1 (40.0 - 70.0)

10 kg (70.4%) Malteurop Pale Ale - added during mash
1.5 kg (10.6%) Vienna Malt - added during mash
0.52 kg (3.6%) CaraMalt - added during mash
0.49 kg (3.4%) Medium Crystal - added during mash
1.7 kg (12.0%) Mangrove jacks - Liquid Light malt - boiled with 2L water and added next day
20 g (4.4%) Centennial (10.0%) - added during boil, boiled 60 m
30 g (6.7%) Centennial (10.0%) - added during boil, boiled 45 m
30 g (6.7%) Centennial (10.0%) - added during boil, boiled 30 m
30 g (6.7%) Centennial (10.0%) - added during boil, boiled 15 m
90 g (20.0%) Centennial (10.0%) - added during boil
90 g (20.0%) Centennial (10.0%) - steeped after boil
160 g (35.6%) Centennial (10.0%) - added dry to primary fermenter

UK pale ale, first Challenger brew, split across 1968 and 1469, finished fermenting, just waiting to bottle....


Thornbridge Jaipur -  (pouring at The Lumsden)  get there quick.

Its a very pale UK IPA hop forward , neutral yeast 

12.00 lb Marris Otter PA 87.4 % 
1.50 lb Vienna Malt (3.5 SRM) 11.1 % 

I am going to add about 1.5% Malted Gladdies wheat.... not in clone recipe but says wheat on bottle.


0.45 oz Magnum [20.50 %] - Boil 75.0 min (29.9 IBUs) 
0.10 oz Ahtanum [5.20 %] - Boil 15.0 min (0.8 IBUs) 
0.10 oz Centennial [11.30 %] - Boil 15.0 min (1.8 IBUs) 
0.10 oz Chinook [15.00 %] - Boil 15.0 min (2.4 IBUs) 
0.15 oz Ahtanum [5.20 %] - Boil 10.0 min (0.9 IBUs) 
0.15 oz Centennial [11.30 %] - Boil 10.0 min (2.0 IBUs) 
0.15 oz Chinook [15.00 %] - Boil 10.0 min (2.6 IBUs) 
0.25 oz Ahtanum [5.20 %] - Boil 5.0 min (0.8 IBUs) 
0.25 oz Centennial [11.30 %] - Boil 5.0 min (1.8 IBUs) 
0.25 oz Chinook [15.00 %] - Boil 5.0 min (2.4 IBUs) 
0.50 oz Ahtanum [5.20 %] - Aroma Steep 0.0 min 
0.50 oz Centennial [11.30 %] - Aroma Steep 0.0 min 
0.50 oz Chinook [15.00 %] - Aroma Steep 0.0 min Hop 

0.30 oz Ahtanum [5.20 %] - Dry Hop 7.0 Days 
0.30 oz Centennial [11.30 %] - Dry Hop 7.0 Days 
0.30 oz Chinook [15.00 %] - Dry Hop 7.0 Days 

Not sure on my yeast yet , needs to be neutral  maybe 1272 jaipur has a slightly fruity thing going on,   may split batch yet with a funky uk yeast to see if it adds anything....

That looks really good. I might have to brew it too.

How many L? and IBU? and ABV?

When I put it into beer tools pro I seem low on IBUs even after Ive compensated for BTP reckoning magnum is 14.5% and the recipe saying its 20%

I cut and pasted that recipe, I am going to base it on a 20L Beersmith recipe later and post it so you can download it and adjust.     Damn its a nice beer on tap, very light and refreshing.   In NZ terms its more visually looks like an XPA beer, hides its ABV well, its like a summer quaffer.   Amazing to see a beer that was being discussed years ago in bottles now on tap in NZ, says a lot for international craft beer distribution, at $13 a pint not cheap but it was in excellent condition and well worth it.   My Garage Project - Smoke and Mirrors cost the same.

Beersmith File attached


Thanks Pete but I don't have Beersmith. Can you tell me IBUs.

We desperately need a good craft beer bar like Lumsden in Napier.

I have pasted the recipe below, but I want to talk to a few people before brewing I have already cut the IBU from magnum considerably from my previous posts.   This is the Thornbridge blag

Jaipur India Pale Ale

A citrus dominated India Pale Ale, its immediate impression is soft and smooth yet builds to a crescendo of massive hoppiness accentuated by honey. An enduring, bitter finish.
ABV 5.9%

Bottled Version

The immediate impression of this wonderful multi award winning India Pale Ale is soft and smooth but this builds around the mouth to a crescendo of massive hoppiness accentuated by honey.

Funny I said aha as soon as I read about the honey, it didn't seem overly bitter, its balanced, which givern I have not got much experience doing just MO and say Vienna is confusing as to how much bittering is going to be needed.

Here is where I am at still tinkering, going backwards to my blonde days 10g of pacific jade  at 60min was good with decent 15/10/5/0 whack in a 100% golden promise...  tempted to use pac jade instead of magnum, I like the citrus hint it gives.

Maybe a tiny bit of honey malt,  nothing like trying to reverse engineer a beer based on  bits from the websites,clone gurus etc etc  I need to get hold of a bottle now to see how it differs from the pint, and have another pint.....


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