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for some reason I read golden promise and ordered maris otter. Sure it will be a good just slightly different.

3 Floyds - Zombie Dust Clone - 14-B American IPA

Great brew day with all new silicone hoses and disconnects, way better than old brass hose fittings and hardware store PVC tube.

First brew having separate HLT and kettle way better than catching wort in a fermenter during sparge then transferring back into the HLT/Kettle to boil.

First time crushing my own barley, went great

And first time doing vorlauf with the pump, way better than catching and tipping, super clear wort out of mash tun

Temp was low 63c at end of mash way off the 66.5c I was going for. Had 67c at beginning and usually only lose 1c so must have stirred badly and measured hot spot. Hope the beer isn't too dry as a result.

Original Gravity: 1.061 (1.056 - 1.075)  - just under target of 1.064 but suspect volume was high
Terminal Gravity: 1.015 (1.010 - 1.018)
Color: 12.18 (6.0 - 15.0)
Alcohol: 6.01% (5.5% - 7.5%)
Bitterness: 76.6 (40.0 - 70.0)

9.5 kg (81.9%) Malteurop Pale Ale - added during mash
0.9 kg (7.8%) Munich Malt Type 1 (Organic) - added during mash
0.4 kg (3.4%) Caramel Malt 60L - added during mash
0.4 kg (3.4%) Melanoidin Malt - added during mash
0.4 kg (3.4%) Cara-Pils® Malt - added during mash
35 g (8.2%) Citra™ (12.0%) - added during boil, boiled 60 m
60 g (14.1%) Citra™ (12.0%) - added during boil, boiled 15.0 m
60 g (14.1%) Citra™ (12.0%) - added during boil, boiled 10.0 m
60 g (14.1%) Citra™ (12.0%) - added during boil, boiled 5.0 m
60 g (14.1%) Citra™ (12.0%) - added during boil, boiled 1.0 m
150 g (35.3%) Citra™ (12.0%) - added dry to primary fermenter

I've done that one, enjoyed it very much. But found that Citra is a bit one dimensional, it just sort of disappears, without the backing of anything else.

Glad to hear it went well. I will soon be in the multiple vessel camp.

Interesting you say that about citra it seems to be the hop that gets the most good press and some huge ratings on ratebeer.com in single hopped beers.

I had black dogs citra IPA a while back and really liked it that's what inspired me to do this one.

I am not a fan of liberty citra but love the citra junior version go figure....

Am I right in thinking that C!tra isn't just citra hops? I remember it blew me away when it first came out, but I tried it again recently and was disappointed with how un-hoppy it tasted. Not sure if it's a shift in my palate or an old bottle (or both), but I'd like to try the junior version for comparison.

I've enjoyed both the single-hop citra beers I've brewed, but I certainly think it's better mixed with a bit of amarillo in the late/dry additions.

Yeah a lot of reviewers pick up pine notes - I'm picking a 50/50 cut with Zythos to give some dimension. I've brewed the brewshop citra-zythos pack and it comes out tasting quite similar (but less intense at 6%). From what I can tell most of their recipes are based on well liked craft beers so it wouldn't surprise me if they'd had a chat.

Going to have a crack at a citra-zythos faux pilsner / ultra pale ale in the next week or two - should be interesting.

I am kegging my citra/amarillo faux pils today...  1272 at 15C ish for first 5 days then up to finish and weeks of cold crash, gelatine in kegs as well, brewed for a mates birthday

Hi Peter - made your recipe last weekend so been sitting at 15C  what did you raise yours to too finish - had a taste still lots of fermenting to do - but nice flavour


i turned off fridge and let it come up to 22C ambient for 5 days as I was away on boat for 5 days then crashed it to 2C and left it for a long while maybe 4 weeks due to being away and busy, kegged today , pretty clear but added gelatine....   tasted like a damn hoppy pils....    sitting on 12psi now for a few weeks, have good hopes for this may do a keg hop sock yet in a week

I bottled 6 bottles for tastings and maybe a comp

Ive missed the boat with late editions but could add some dry hop. Maybe 50g simcoe, centennial or amarillo, I have at least a pound of all 3 in freezer and some other bits and pieces but will have to check recipes to see what I need for the other brews I have planned chances are good there will be some spare. I was planning a few single hop brews to get to know the hops but if it makes a big improvement to the beer. What do you recon?

Yeah its saison time I am doing a 3711 / belgium saison split batch,   no need for fridge just a big bucket with headspace....  I like to brew mine to just below 6% but I have ended at 7% unintentionally. Personally I dont need sugar dry , seems to drop and dry out anyway....



Thinking of doing a big batch with some bittering then spliting and doing 2 different 0 min additions.... have Willamette might just try that as the bittering agent....


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