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Since this is the most popular thread on the RealBeer.co.nz forum I thought I would start it here just to see what happens

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Thanks. That will help. I like to calculate things by hand and then double check using a brewing calculator. If they are in the same ball park, great. Then it's all trial an error it seems. 

Hey Hophound. Just kegged this beer, and I can say for sure that there is enough bitterness in there to balance the beer. Whether its 25ibu like I calculated I'm not sure, but it came out exactly how I had hoped in terms of balance.  The beer did dry right out to 1.006, and I used a 4 gram per litre dry hop which would add some perceived bitterness.

Hey Matt, thanks for the update. Good to hear it worked out for you. My last beer turned out way better taking into account the IBUs from the late additions. Still learning!

Hi All

I am looking at doing a low alcohol (approx 3.7 %) american pale ale (if there is such a thing). Mine are usually in the 6 % range - and after a couple you feel it. I have seen a few threads about session beers but can't seem to find a recipe for a session pale ale.  Has some one got one they wouldn't mind sharing.  Otherwise do I just reduce the malt and hops to suit?

Cheers Mark

Tasty's session pale ale is very good, I've brewed it recently. Here is a link to the recipe http://www.thebrewingnetwork.com/forum/viewtopic.php?f&t=30520. Make sure to mash high, I mashed at 70c on my system!  

This is a pretty close attempt at Founders All Day Session Clone found on another Forum. You can adjust as you want to suit your hops on hand etc
all-grain recipe
6 US Gallons = 5 Imperial Gallons = 22.7 Liters

82% = 8.28 lb = 3.76 kg, Two-Row Pale Malt
6% = .61 lb = 277 g, Caramel 40L Malt
4% = .4 lb = 181 g, Torrified Wheat
4% = .4 lb = 181 g, Oats (Flaked, Instant, Porridge, Steel-Cut, Scotch, Pinhead, etc, from your kitchen)
4% = .4 lb = 181 g, Flaked Maize/Organic Corn Grits (avoid supermarket brands with added iron, chemical preservatives, etc)

MASH everything together at 152°F/66.7°C for 90 minutes, allowing a little extra time for unmalted grains to convert.

SPARGE to collect 7.5 US gal/6.25 Imperial gal/28.4 L pre-boil.

BOIL 60 minutes

.55 oz = 16 g, Zythos blend, 11.9% AA, 60 minutes
.55 oz = 16 g, Zythos blend, 11.9% AA, 20 minutes
1 oz = 28 g, Zythos blend, 11.9% AA, 5 minutes, after boil allow to steep awhile before chilling
2 oz = 57 g, Zythos blend, 11.9% AA, dry hops added to secondary fermentor one week before bottling/kegging

OPTIONAL: Pinch of gypsum in boil kettle to make the hops pop. Irish moss near end of boil for clarity.

YEASTChico/US-05/Sierra Nevada/American Ale, ferment at 64°F/17.8°C, best practice involves transferring to a secondary fermentor after primary fermentation is complete, allow plenty of time to attenuate and clear.

STATS assuming 76% mash efficiency and 78% yeast attenuation:
OG: 1047 
ABV: 4.7%
IBU: 42
COLOUR: light reddish amber 7° SRM/14° EBC

I'm drinking the Spellbinder recipe brewed recently, tasty beer, while not american gives a good 3.7% session beer, with just enough to keep you going, maybe you could sub out the hops for some american ones? Maybe US Cascade maybe?

Just search spellbinder in the search bar, recipe by studio1.

Hi Chris.  How's this one tasting now?

I've given it a go as it sounded good, its now fermenting : )

Bottled this one xmas eve and carb'd it with honey.  Tasted v. good at bottling, also ways a good sign : )

Thanks everyone for your ideas and sharing:)

Cheers Mark

Just bottled:


Mikkeller Single Hop Nelson Sauvin IPA Clone:

4.2 Kg  NZ Pilsner  66.9%

.69 Kg Caramunich II 11%

.69 Kg Munich 1 11%

.69 Kg Oats, Flaked 11%


50gm Nelson Sauvin @ 60 mins (78.7 IBUs)

60gm Nelson Sauvin @ 15 mins (46.8 IBUs)

30gm Nelson Sauvin @ 0 mins (Steeped)

60gm Nelson Sauvin  - Dry Hopped 10 Days


+ 115gm Simcoe - Dry Hopped 5 days

+ 2 packs of rehydrated US-05.


Wort taste was fantastic, though didn't blow me away with aroma after 5 days dry hopping, so added 115 gm Simcoe for the last 5 days of dry hop...    Smelled and tasted amazing at bottling. Is probably the clearest beer I've bottled and is carbing up nicely (I always fill a single plastic bottle so I can feel the progression of the carbonation).

Was aiming for OG of 1.064 with 20 litres into fermenter... Hit 1.051 with 22 litres (my efficiency is a bit rubbish)...  Using BIAB with a 70l pot, but my bag is a bit small.


High hopes for this one.



125+ IBUs in a 1.051 Beer...seems a little excessive...did it taste overly bitter at the time of bottling? Thats one hell of a BU:GU ratio...of more than 2.

Also - any reason for 2 packs of 05? 

Not bashing, just curious as I quite liked this beer, but wouldnt have thought it was that high in BUs.


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