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Since this is the most popular thread on the RealBeer.co.nz forum I thought I would start it here just to see what happens

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I did 100% Motueka with Cali Common yeast, I can imagine it would be awesome brewed with a decent Pils yeast and a bit more care than I took, looks great.

Got a batch of pumpkin soup in the HLT (big warehouse pot) Roasted pumpkin, onion, garlic, celery and tomato. Small additions to the boil of nutmeg and curry powder. Getting close to the end of the boil, checking the evaporation rate.

Planning some sort of pale for next weekend

Looks good. did a similar one but used Southern Cross for bittering and 2 packets of W 34/70 yeast. Tasted dam good at 1 month.

Thats a decent grain bill, are you doing 22L? what mash eff??

The plan is for 20 litres but I've left myself some slack: trying a different method of step mashing. Mash in the kettle and transfer to the chilly bin mashtun to lauter. Estimated mash efficiency is 78%, but we'll see. Stirring while ramping the temperature will have kicked up the flour.

Brewing this Alt on Saturday, grain at home ready to go! 90min mash at 66c, 90min boil. Gonna store this in the keg for a couple months until things warm up a bit! Re-using the WLP029 used on my Rauchbier, a subtle smokiness carrythrough would be beautiful.

malt & fermentables

68% 3.500 Weyermann Bohemian Pilsner 80% 3 ~
18% 0.900 Weyermann Munich Type I 76% 15 ~
9% 0.450 Dingemans Aromatic 74% 53 ~
4% 0.230 Weyermann Caramunich II 73% 121 ~
1% 0.060 Weyermann Carafa II 73% 678 ~
Original Gravity
1.051 12.6° Plato
(1.045 to 1.053)
Final Gravity
1.013 3.3° Plato
(1.011 to 1.013)
27° EBC 14° SRM
(Copper to Red/Lt. Brown)
Mash Efficiency


boil 60 mins 20 Pacific Jade pellet 13.5
boil 15 mins 30 Hallertau aroma pellet 7.6
44.3 IBU 10 HBU
ƒ: Tinseth


White Labs German Ale / Kolsh (WLP029)
ale yeast in liquid form with medium flocculation and 75% attenuation
5.1% ABV 4% ABW
158 per 1/3 Liter



Brewing my first lager tommorrow. NZ Pilsner

5kg Malteurop Pilsner

0.25kg Carapils

0.1kg Melanoidin 

0.1kg Accidulated Malt

O.G 1049

5 grams of CaCl added to the mash (boost calcium and reduce PH slightly)

13g Pacific Jade at 60

25g Pacific Jade, 20g Mot at 10

25g Pacific Jade, 25g Mot at 0.

Currently have a massive starter of Wyeast 2001 going. I can cool my wort to around 12 just with tap water and will just use the fridge to get it down to 7-9 then ferment around 9-10. Fingers crossed! 

'I can cool my wort to around 12 just with tap water'

Yea, that's the good thing about winter, a good quick chill

Its great, certainly shortens the brew day a little bit when brewing ales. 

Ahhh, with hindsight your choice for the next comp makes sense now :-P Can't wait to give it a try.

Lol yea... plus its an awesome style ;) besides, i've volunteered to judge! 

Yeah I had looked at the style before with the thought of brewing one, so a good excuse to try. Mine is getting toward the end of primary now and I think probably close to the ballpark in dryness and body. Another day or two and I will transfer to secondary and throw outside to lager for a month. I am not necessarily convinced with the spalt/mot combo, but it is at least okay and might pan out once bottled.

Nice mate I look forward to trying it!

Just mashed in, Motueka pale
80% malteurop
10% Munich
10% caramalt
1032 with a coolish '05 ferment, whatever the weather gives us

All Motueka to 26IBU

I love Motueka but I'm wondering if I should've had something else in there


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