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Since this is the most popular thread on the RealBeer.co.nz forum I thought I would start it here just to see what happens

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I would have said 1.082-1.025 over a week was about consistent for 3522 Ardennes. Ramp the temperature up to 25C and I'll bet you it's finished in another week. I'm finding it much more attenuative than S-05, so unless I thought the yeast was really stuffed I wouldn't bother pitching the S-05 as it will just take longer to flocculate out.  

...and that stout looks fantastic by the way. :-)

I thought for some reason I'd buggared the Tripel by having it drop below 18degrees on day 2 while I was trying to keep the Stout under control.  I've hesitated adding another yeast in the hope the Tripel  would get there eventually - but it seemed so slow in comparison with its downstairs neighbour.  I'll try the temp rise and a rouse to kick it on ...and wait a bit more, just being impatient.

...and yeah - the stout is smelling and tasting pretty good... a little roasty just now but some time conditioning and I'm hoping its gonna shine.

I'm finding that 3522 is a bit more like 3711 French Saison in that it just keeps chewing on the sugars till it's done, and isn't so fussy about temp as some other belgian strains.

Can vouch for 3711 in that regard! took my tripel down to 1.003 even at about 18c. That yeast is such a super-mutant

Thats good to know - I've seen elsewhere that 3522 is a pretty tolerant yeast - and with this being my first round of brewing Belgians its just as well.  I'll have to sit back and let it do its  thing - the samples are tasting pretty good behind all the sweetness so Im hoping it'll get there.

i recently put a hefty belgian down with 3787 and it was super slow at 18.  after doing some research on the tinternet I found that they are notoriously slow and will stop at around 18.  most said to ramp up the temp gradually to 24 to get it to finish out.

No worries - mine's sitting at 22 now and has come down 5 points over the last 2 days.  I'll ramp it up a couple more degrees and see where that gets me.

what was your mash temp?

65 - mashed low and was hoping for 1012 as an FG.

The Ardennes yeast in the Tripel finally got there - down to 1012 over the weekend. 

So in the end a 2 week primary with a finishing temp of 24 degrees for about the last 5 days of that.  That yeast is a trooper! 

Its tasting fruity with some the complexity of light phenols and a touch of alcohol poking through.

Its crash chilling now and will go into bottles during the week.  Looking forward tasting this for real in a few weeks - but even more so in a few months.

Good news!

ive got one thats a year and a half old, it has matured really well.  Make sure you stash some aaway in bottles.


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