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Todays brew was my first ever attempt at a Saison, pretty much made it up as I went with whatever I had handy when I got up this morning.

Going to be too hoppy for starters but that's ok.... I like hoppy monsters. :-D

Water from the Petone Aquifier

Blackrock Light malt extract 1.5kg
Blackrock Amber malt extract 1.5kg
Palm sugar 0.5kg

Centenial (9.2AA) 80g @ 60min
SuperAlpha (13.4AA) 20g @ 30min
Centenial (9.2AA) 20g @ 0min
SuperAlpha (13.4AA) Dryhop after 24hr

Lemon grass 20g @ 30min
Lemon zest 20g @ 15min
Fresh grated Ginger 10g @ 15min
Peppercorns 20g @ 5min
Cracked Corriander 9g @ 5min
Wyeast 3711 French Saison 1pkt

Batch size 23L

Had another tweak at my booky type thingy.

Ended up dry hopping my garden with a bunch of old hops that I suddenly decided had past their best by date, half a brick of SO5 followed soon after.

After a trip to see Mr T I was well sorted with some 1099 yeast slurry - had a sneaky pint of 1099 brown whilst I was there and at under 3% abv with so much flavour awesome well done JT!

Must say I am jealous of anyone who has a space dedicated to brewing - whilst my precious is at the panelbeaters I suddenly have 1 empty garage - not having to pack everything away after brewing was a refreshing change.



Brewed a Nelson Sauvin Summer ale over the weekend and it's quietly fermenting away at around 20 degrees C with good ole' dependable US-05. A fairly straight-forward recipe, which I subsequently have discovered is very close to Ross' Nelson Sauvin Summer ale:

90% Golden Promise

10% Wheat malt

mashed for 60 min @ 68 degrees C

60 minute boil, with Nelson Sauvin (11.8% AA) additions as follows for 24 IBUs (thanks for the recipe advice Christian):

0.5 g/L NS @ 60 min

0.5 g/L NS @ 20 min

0.75 g/L NS @ 5 min

1.5 g/L NS @ 0 min (well 10 minutes into cooling following Ross' advice)

1.040 OG

Now I'm wondering, "Should I dry hop it?" Advice?

I am brewing a nice cup of tea at the minute, biscuit ready.

biscuit ready

That going to be a dunker ?

oh yeah, already dunked! 

Brewing an Oz Psuedo Pilsner today and trialing a new setup but more on that later.


OG: 1.055
IBU: 36
ABV (%) 5.6
Batch Size (L) 22.5
Boil time(min) 60


5kg German Pilsner Malt
150g Melanoiden Malt
150g Carahell 0.150 3
250g Cara-Pils

15g Stella @ 60 min
10g Stella @ 15 min
15g Stella @ 5 min
30g Stella @ 0 min
20g Stella Dry

WATER: Adjusted to Munich profile




Just having my first real sample of this beer.  Stella hops sure are different, a real European lager flavour going on but with floral mangoes and rubber.  This beer is like Export Gold on steroids with that old Emersons Pilsner burnt rubber aroma.  Interesting.  I think over id the water adjustments too, it's a bit minerally.

I kegged most of it and got creative with some bottling.  I added some extra bits & peices at bottling and now I have:

750ml Coffee Pilsner

750ml Chilli Pilsner

750ml Carrot Cake Spiced Pilsner

2 x 750ml Coconut Pilsner

Some interesting tasting ahead.  Ahh, the joys of homebrewing :)

Exploring possibilities with Coopers recultured yeast at the moment. 

Ive got a healthy lot of 3rd Gen yeast (post bottle harvest that is) and hoping to make the most of restrained banana and fruit esters in a slightly out of style more bitter American Wheat for the second half of summer. 

Any thoughts on this one welcome - particularly whose made a wheat beer successfully with this yeast.

Pacific Wheat 

Style: American Wheat

Batch Size: 23.00 L  

Estimated OG: 1.055 SG   Estimated Color: 4.1 SRM   Estimated IBU: 24.8 IBU

2.40 kg Pilsner (Weyermann) 

2.40 kg Wheat Malt, Ger 

0.50 kg Munich Malt (Bairds) 

60m 34.00 gm Pacifica (Pacific Hallertau) [6.10 %]

10m 15.00 gm Pacifica (Pacific Hallertau) [6.10 %]

A bit of Gypsum and Epsom salts to accentuate bitterness and balance the yeast/ hops fruit

 Mash temp 67.0 C

Hands On Brown, a celebration of gravity in the garage.
30% malteurop
62% Munich I
7% dark crystal
1% chocolates

Sauvin to bitter, cascade and motueka at 20 10 0
1033 and 32 IBU with the 1099 I picked up from Newtown the other week
Hoping to sneak it in around 3% if the yeast doesn't go too far

I see that Munich percentage is creeping up jt.  Have you tasted the previous brew yet?  Are you liking the higher levels of Munich?

The last brownie was all munich as a base, which finished vey malty (though yeast choice could be contributing there too) so I'm having a bit of a play around.

Suspect that I may drop the munich from the brownie recipie completely and just richen up the pale with it.


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