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Seen something on Trademe that others maybe interested in...post it here

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Yeah its a solid chunk of steel! You just don't see these pots available in New Zealand... A good buy ;)

Has anyone got any pro's/con's on using one of these for homebrewing? Maybe not suitable?


For water transfer it's probably fine, but I'd think you'd be inviting all sorts of trouble if you were to run sweet wort through it. You really need to be able to take apart and completely clean any sort of pump that has wort and bits of grain going though it.

It would be useless as it is designed for circulating water in a heating system, not raising water to a higher level.

It would also be unsuitable because despite mentioning a stainless steel plate, the rest of it is probably just painted, rough cast iron.


It's got a 6m rated head, so plenty good enough for pumping around hot water. You're definitely right about cleaning it though! There's an all stainless version available from china, but still not too much of an improvement.

not a bad price in the end at $605.  Out of my price range which is a shame, that was a cracking set up!

Damn, if I recall correctly it had a buy now at the start of $400

Ah well, was never meant to be I guess...  My missus is happy with the result haha

Not on trade me, but have got a fridge free for someone to pick up from north shore if anyone is interested. Picked it up for nothing, and broke one of the pipes whilst cleaning......bugger.

Will apparently cost $3-400 to re-gas, so not worth it for me. Someone may be able to get it done cheaper. It will be going to the tip soon, so be quick.


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