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Hello all,

I'm after malt analysis sheets for all the grain that Brewers Coop sells, which I believe is all brought in by Cryer's. Does anyone have them all or know where to find them? I've tried google, the maltsers websites and emailing Cryer's - no luck so far. I'm under the impression that the grain comes from Weyermann, Baird's and Barrett-Burston.

I want to enter them into the BeerSmith software, I'll upload the file for anyone interested if I can find them.

I know BeerSmith's entries are probably close enough but I'm pedantic at times.

Cheers and beers,


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I think David Cryer had some on his .com.au websire and I thought I'd seen some on the weyermann website. Not sure about Bairds though. Suggest you ask your supplier maybe ?
Try this http://www.cryermalt.com.au/certificatesofanalysis-weyermann

Bairds list this info here, http://www.bairds-malt.co.uk/main_frame.htm

Typical Pale Ale Malt Specification:

Moisture % 3 max 3 max 3 max
Extract fine grind dry basis % 82 308 82
Fine-coarse difference % 1-2 1-2
Colour ° 2-3 4-6 5-7
Protein % 9.75 max 1.55 max 1.55 max
Soluble/Total Protein % 40-45 36-42 40-45
Diastatic Power °L 45 min 45 min 150 min
Cheers, I'd seen the Baird's and Weyermann's you showed but both don't show all the available malts, a good start though.

I'll hit up Mike next time I see him, just feel bad about asking for the specs on like 18 different malts haha. Was hoping on the off-chance someone might have them all in PDF or something.
I've just bought a copy of beersmith and was wondering the same things about the malts. Did you manage to get a file that you might be willing to share?
You can get all Weyermanns as a download from Beersmith's website.

I've got the analysis loaded for Barett Burston's Pale, but that's not being sold anymore, and also ADM pils and Baird's Pale Ale malt. If you want the files give me a holla.

If you're buying your grain from Mike at Brewer's Coop he should be happy to give you the analysis sheets, most suppliers would to I think.

For coloured malts I was using the closest malt in the list and just adjusting the colour to what I got from Mike. I figured the small amount being used the potential extract and other values weren't too critcal.
Thanks for that - I did find the Weyermanns and have duly imported it. I'll get the analysis sheets and work from there. I'll do it as I go so it doesn't feel like I'm doing too much computer stuff :-)

Being new to the game I've got a LOT more to worry about than getting too technical - just looking at keeping a decent log of what I've done.

We used to get the malt analysis sheets for the products that we stock. It is different from batch to batch as you might expect. I can try and dig out what we have for those malts. I can attach them to our products on the website.

check out http://www.libertybrewing.co.nz/?q=node/74

be aware - these are quite old analysis sheets and from batches we might not necessarily stock.
Ok is this me after a few pints on a Tuesday night or can I not find anything?
I must have had one too many last night too, as I cannot find em on the website....
Every time I click on the link above I get them!!
Ah, it's Internet Explorer 8 that has the issue. Brendon, can you modify your http source to render in IE7?

meta http-equiv="X-UA-Compatible" content="IE=EmulateIE7"


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