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Ok, so What Are You Brewing was a hotty, as topics go.

Now I'm 15 pints into a keg I only filled on Tuesday and wondering if anyone else has a favourite at the moment ?

It's my second brown with US-Oh05 and it's better than the forst, maybe Ikept the temps down a bit during the scorcher we had in januray

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One keg burped last night, the last of my Belgian Pale Ale, leaving me with only my 9% Handbrewer's Imperial Amber to sip on. Lucky I have Regionals on the way home. Was enjoying Emerson's Falconer's Rest but apparently it is all gone. I wonder what this afternoon's stop off might bring...?

About to fill:
two kegs with "Hold it now, hop it!" (Summer-style best bitter - maris otter, lashings of fuggles and sauvin),
one keg with "Ashes of American Brown" (hoppy American-style brown ale, of course).

Now I'm thinking about rebrewing my american-style porter. I've been thinking about it ever since I gave the last 10L away at the SOBA HomeBrewFest last December.

I'm thirsty.
Inspired by the Emersons let me down thread I broke my longstanding habit and have been BUYING some beer.
Now I had tried the Emersons Pilsner sometime ago and been mosrt impresed, good beer this time round, but not outstanding, but was left slightly flat at lack of that Saaz varietal whack I was rightly, or wrongly anticipating.
Maybe I'd tried the Old 95 at a previous fest, couldn't recall, but it lacked a bit of hop bit for my taste, at the wrong end of the balance for me.
Taieri George was a pleasant surprise. Never one for spices, fruitcake and all that kerfluffle in a bottle. A bottle of the 2007 vintage, very impressed with the last inch that I drank from the bottle probably along with half the yeast deposit. As it warmed up I seemed to lose the spice & picked up more malt. Go the spice !
Picked up an Oatmeal stout & London Porter today, nearly grabbed the 1812 as well but spied a Fullers London pride and grabbed that instead
Don't recall batch numbers but the best by dates are out into 2009 so I'm guessing that these are pretty fresh
The Wheats on the shelf were expiring in the next few month though, obviously fizz & fluff is a slow seller in the Lower Hutt New World
I've just about knocked off my keg of mayday mild. Surprised it lasted the month. I bottled some for the NHC the other night, plus another to drink to coincide with judging and a bottle I promised someone else. That keg will soon be filled with robust porter.
So at the moment I'm drinking an ordinary bitter. Lovely stuff it is too, nz goldings burps are every bit as nice as the east kent variety I'm used to.
I've been drinking a bit of Emersons of late, been meaning to post back to that thread. 1812 and Old 95. The 1812 is coming along fabulously.
Must check the batch / best by dates on the 1812 in the supermarket next time I'm there then.
Their good beer section has contracted by 50% in the last month. The Emersons has the best spot at eye level and the imports are below waist height.
It's the Emersons Oatmeal Stout tonight and perhaps a hydrometer sample of the irish red in the garage.
I'm sure the stout has been calling to me as I've read the recipe threads today :))

Might also pop into town on the weekend and finally pick up that Coopers Pale Ale.
Didn't get into town to pick up the Coopers, but I did pick up another Emersons London Porter.
That aside, the go to keg right now is:
621 - The Last Blande
The last of the Blonde series, last of the Pacific Hallertau and Munich and used fresh W1275.
Lowest BU:OG ratio of 50%.
Also, sadly, the best of them.
Very drinkable.
No one ingredient dominates, the cara's seem to mask any significant wheat (bit sensitive to wheat after overindulging on great white the other week)
12.5% Munich
10% Wheat
2.5% each Carahell & Caramunich III
Balance Aussie Pale
14 IBU Super Alpha @60
6 IBU Pacific Hallertau @15
W1275, OG 1.040
Emerson's Bourbon Porter... just taking my last sip as I type this... superb. One bottle left.
Now for a 2005 Taieri George and some lamb shanks.

Happy birthday to me.
Haven't bought any beer this week so it's back to tap # 1 - American Brown.
Had too much cascade late & dry hopped to be pleasant so I'm gonna knock it off tonight - reckon there's only 2 or 3 pints left but I could be unpleasantly surprised - and get the keg of the Willamette/Styrian pale in the fridge.
Drinking a Scottish 80/- at the moment, hasn't cleared well, quite disappointing. I haven't been drinking too much good beer at the moment, my sinus has been playing up and I can hardly taste/smell anything so no point wasting good drink.
Is a Scottish 80/- light enough to perceive clarity ?
I always think of the north of the border beers as dark, don't know why
Yup, style guidelines say 9 to 17 SRM, this one sits at 13 or so, so it's about amber going on brown.
Does anyone know of a commercial beer that shows off Nelson Sauvin hops?


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