Having the Hop Stoopid now. It's quite good I think. A bit sweet, and the hops have clearly faded, but it is tasty enough. I can imagine how it would be fresh, and look forward to finding it on tap next April. Hmmm, the bitterness is cumulative too!
Had a Steiny Pure in the fridge and wasn't sure what to do with it. So I subjected my body to an experiment in the name of science*. I put a cascade hop pellet in it and let them fuse. Strained, poured and tasted. How do I put this? It was like sprinkling icing sugar on a dog turd and hoping I had made it better. Looked and smelled more appealing but at the end of the day it's still a turd.
*My body was harmed in the making of this experiment.
Permalink Reply by Toot on August 11, 2009 at 8:18pm
Pink Elephant Golden Tusk, mean malty honey sweetishness with a a subtle hoppy twang and a tweak of alcaholic warmth. Nice creamy head that lasted the length of the glass. Definatly one of my favorites.
Matilda Bay Alpha. My folks just brought a 4 pack over from 'straya. It's alright you know, really nice cascade hop nose and the initial taste is full of citrus, although it does fall a bit flat at the end, and I've tasted better examples of the style here (he says patriotically). Really nice to taste an Australian beer with a bit of flair though. I did grow up in QLD mind.
Dogfish head 90 Min IPA; meh
Anderson Valley Hop Ottin IPA; Herbal tea like hops, meh
White Hawk IPA; Meh grassy hops little tea like also.
Emersons Weizenbock Fucking Good!!
Permalink Reply by jt on August 14, 2009 at 5:42pm
First up a Motueka Pale - simple 92.5% ADM Pils, 5% Caramalt and 2.5% wheat. 12 IBU Super Alpha 12 IBU Motueka - delicious and I wish I were brewing it again this weekend. I'm wondering how I went a whole year brewing without this hop
Second, the Styrian ale that Joking told me I shouldn't use SO4 in but I did to prove a point to myself. Really good bitterness and more yeast character than I've been used to with US05. I didn't think I'd like it, but I do, it's been a long time since I brewed a good strongly bittered ale ... but having said that, I won't repeat it in a hurry
Permalink Reply by Sean on August 14, 2009 at 9:59pm
Hell yeah the Gonzo was great, did you grab an Old Rasputin? I think you will like that.
Today at the beerstore, closed door product testing facility.
Westvleteren 8 very nice and worth the hype and nervous school girl hysterics I was feeling at the time, just a shame it's so hard to get. I would compare it to the Rochefort 8. I would recommend buying the Westvleteren glass and a few of the Rochefort 8 and then just pretend.
Next we tried the Weihenstephaner Hefe Weissbier which was a very nice example of the style. I'm looking forward to trying a few more from this Brewery.
Now, at home with Dinner I has the Satan Red in matching Glass because I'm just evil. Nice drop and went down well whilst watching the news. Then the Achel Bruin, not sold on this, it's nice but IMO the weakest (next to Orval) of the Trappist Beers.
Time to retreat to the man cave, play some vinyl and drink some nice beer.
Glad to hear that. I get a bit annoyed at everyone ragging on the Westy saying it's "overhyped". It's a fucking stunner.It was delicious at the In de Vrede cafe. It was delicious after the journey back here, and to be honest, I can't see it being any less delicious now.