Weka.... you'll have to tell me more, or even better a wee tasting session.
Went through half dozen Monteith's Golden Lager tonight, the "best" beer on offer. I am sure it was better last year, so not that happy with the after taste. I should have bought that rigger of emerson's pilsner when passing Pomeroy's today.
I dropped into Pomeroy's for a half yesterday with a group of women.
"Try the Weka" quoth I. On taking my first sip, I though "Wow, loads of green bullet or something in there, I don't remember that from yesterday" When I went to get a rigger, I figured out why. They'd run out of Weka the previous day and has served us Croucher Pale Ale. No wonder the women were pulling faces.
Drinking a pint of my own Dark Mild each night. It's good but it needs a couple of tweaks.
Also had a Mata Feijoa last night, pretty nice, certainly very interesting and well made. Pretty dry, very tart, has both the aromatic characteristics and the meaty/fleshy characteristics of the Feijoa (probably my favourite fruit).
I've got a Ginger Beer and an Imperial Stout that are begging for fridge space. Perhaps it is time to invest in a chest freezer and a tempmate...
Permalink Reply by jt on December 10, 2008 at 9:09am
640 - an ale with NZ Hallertau. Been supping a pint each night since I kegged on Saturday, nice quaffing beer
88% Pale
10% Munich
2% Pale Crystal (just to use it up)
11 IBU Super Alpha (great hop eh Joking ?) to bitter and 11 IBU NZ Hallertau at the end
OG 42 and US-05 on the high side of 20C
In the interests of tweaking, I'll repeat this but drop the crystal (simplicity eh Mr Cherry ?)