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From the Waikato Times

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Good article, The question is.... Is this on tap yet at the ruakura club in Hamilton, think i'll pop down tomorrow if it is.

Might not be until next week Rowan. Greig McGill, our Yeastie friend on the ground in Hamilton, should be able to keep us posted.
Keg's in the chiller, waiting on the last of the Lighthouse Classic Stout - maybe 20 pints of that to go... then it's PKB time!
Three questions - where is the ruakura club, is it open on saturdays and will PKB be on there by the time I arrive tomorrow afternoon? Coming down from Auckland for another event, but I'm sure I could take time out of my schedule to pop in for a quick pint!
Is the other event the SOBA brewery tour of the Shunters Yard brewery? ;)

I'm actually not sure what the RCC hours are on Saturday. You'll need to be a member or know a member to get signed in though (or be a member of another affilliated club, like Cossie clubs, Workingmens, or similar).

It's on the Ruakura Research Campus, off Ruakura Road. Drive onto Campus, and follow signs for the Squash Club - it's in the same building.
Hey Greig, by chance is this on tap yet? Went to cock and bull on friday instead, the epic, was a tad soapy like mentioned before, but managed to scam some of the octoberfest lager, very nice.
Not quite. We tried very hard, but with numbers so few it was tricky. There was more left than I thought. I'll post again on Thursday night and let you know. Come along anyway. It's not like the other beer is bad. ;)

Good to hear the Rhinefire is tasting good. The issues must be under control. I'll pop in for another.
Yup no doubt,

Will look for your message thursday, Friday would be good.

It's on. Popped in last night and three of us managed to end the Lighthouse's death grip on the tap. The end was bitter-sweet (literally and figuratively) but the Pot Kettle Black is now flowing and tasting exceptional.

Coming soon: a short lull for Epic Pale Ale as we're getting beers in faster than we can put them on the two remaining taps, so the lineup currently is:

Epic Pale Ale, Wigram Bavarian Pilsner, Yeastie Boys Pot Kettle Black

And after that:

Croucher's Pale Ale, Croucher's Hef (yep, a 1-2-punch combo), Yet-to-be-decided... possibly something yummy from Emerson's.
scan wasn't very good, makes Stu's shirt look like its got spots all over it ;P
I'll be looking for it in CHCH then, may be chance for a get together for the Canterbury brewers....
Had a pint in Pomeroy's last week. That's in your neck of the wood no?


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