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Hi everybody. There will be a free tasting of our new Seasonal Beer ' A Ocktoberfest Marzen' at the following pubs.

Newmarket Cock and Bull, Wednesday 8th October 5:30 pm
Hamilton Cock and Bull, Tuesday 14th October 5:30 pm
Botony,Ellerslie and Lynfield Cock and Bulls Wednesday 15th October 5:30pm .

So come and try our new beer and meet the brewers.

For more information go to the following link

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Superb! I have a free evening on Wednesday - anyone else planning to get along to Newmarket?


Nope, but I plan to be at the Hamilton one. See any Hamiltronians there.
Greig can you have another try of the Epic Pale Ale to see if the beer lines are any cleaner.
Will do. I'll text you.
Yup hope to see you there, Martin.
The Brewers at Newmarket on Wednesday will be Nigel and Sam ( sorry I cant make it). I will be at the Ellerslie tasting, Nigel at the Botony tasting,Sam at Lynfield and Brian at Hamilton. Hamiltons tasting will now be the 15th, the same as the rest of the pubs.
So, come and see us if you can make it.


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