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Just a brief note to let everyone know that Renaissance's 'Elemental' Porter and 'Stonecutter' Scotch Ale are well and truly on top of their game at the moment.

My brother popped around on Friday night with a bottle of each and I enjoyed them so much that I went out on Saturday and purchased some more (I'll check the batch numbers when I get home, to confirm what model I'm drinking - it's very rare for me to drink the same beer twice in a weekend, unless it's my own!). Both beers were much fuller and fresher than I'd ever tasted them before and the Porter, especially, had a much better balance of malt sweetness to carry all of the hops and roast malt.

I've always enjoyed the two Renaissance darker beers but had come across some pretty major issues with the two pale ales (fermentation issues, and possibly packaging ones too) and had voiced them on the old RealBeer forum. The last couple of times I've tried the 'Discovery' APA and the 'Perfection' Pale Ale they appear to have been significantly improved. So, on Saturday night, I also picked up a bottle of Perfection Pale Ale and am pleased to report that this too was absolutely delicious. It was as good as I'd tasted it and one of the better hoppy pale ales I've had recently.

Go Renaissance. I like the gutsy styles these guys are brewing, I'm glad they've managed to stick around this long, and I'm really glad to see their brews hitting their straps. Long may it continue.

Slainte mhath

ps. Rumour is that they are also launching a NZ-style 'Pilsner' soon too. Keep an eye out for it. I guess it may only be on tap at first but we might see it in bottles too.

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Talking experimental, that Feijoa Gueuze the lads at The Mussel Inn came up with is really floating my boat.

It wasn't easy but I managed to secure a small personal supply.
Yeh, I heard plenty of good things about that.

And on that note... I heard your Pinot Porter is good too - but near impossible to secure personal supplies of. Even when yuou ask for a whole case of 750ml bottles!
Brewers are not allowed to boast about freebies or 'special deals' it's frustrating for us plebs!
You're a brewer too James. It's not how much you brew, it's how much you think about it.
Your lack of detail makes me uneasy; I will need your financial records going back to 1970.

The Dark Side of The Meheen
Can we make it '75, seeing that i was born then?

Are you subliminally suggesting new Yeastie Boy beer names Steve? Nice.
Almost have the Porter Noir label finished. As soon as it is on the bottle, you will get the first case Stu. (If you find a bit of cash in the bottom of the case, you may as well keep it cause I have no idea how it got there)
James is my agent now, he'll count the words and let you know how much money should be dropped in there.
I can’t believe what a waste of time it was getting all those international beer Judges in for Brew NZ. The bunch of clowns (6 of them judges in The World Beer Cup) had the nerve to award the Champion Brewer to Tuatara instead of Renaissance, which is clearly the best brewer in NZ because Stu said so.

They didn’t even give them a medal!!!

This is obviously an International conspiracy just like the one to cut pensions for the dear old folk like Winston said.

Stu you should get your agent to ring Brew NZ and consent to do all the judging your self next year. This will get the right result and hopefully, all your man love can receive its ultimate reward.
Already done, i did throw into the conditions 'man love' and 'ultimate reward' not sure if they grasped the real meaning but time will tell....

I'm up for grabs by the way although petrol prices have gone up so that means my going rate is now up to $26 a word....
I considered that but there was the small issue of me not being allowed all of the beer leftovers after the judging. Man love alone is not sufficient.

I see Hallertau didn't win anything either. Your beer must be goddamn awful!
If we can get a contract together I can work something out for next year ;-)
That should be a guaranteed perk!

oops oil fluctuation $26.50 per hour....


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