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I'm keen to do a porter for my next AG brew but need a decent recipe that doesn't require more than a 2-stage mash (don't have the ability to heat the mash other than by adding hotter water).

Anyone got a good recipe like that which they're happy to share?

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End result: got down from an OG of 1.054 to a FG of 1.020, so reckon that's about 5.8% abv. Tasted the first one tonight and it's a beauty! It's got a really nice coffee/chocolate note, good body and is lovely and smooth. The alcohol makes it a bit of an arse-kicker though, so will have to be careful not to over-indulge...

Next batch will be a hefe weizen, but the porter recipe will definitely be a keeper for another future batch. Cheers everyone for the advice. Still deciding whether to enter it for the awards, I'm just not sure I'm willing to give any up to the judges!
Nice one! if it tastes good its good!
1.020 seems a bit high for the final gravity though! and I would think your abv would be more around 4.5 abv.
My mistake - checked my notes again and the OG was 1.064 so my calculation makes sense after all. =)


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