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recently brewed a kit of Muntons Premium - Smugglers Special Ale. I used light hopped spraymalt in the bottles instead of sugar for priming. The beer has a VERY bitter taste and doesn't taste all that great.
Was this a bad idea?
Anything I can do, or should I just ditch it and use sugar in future?

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I would doubt a small amount of spray malt would adversely affect the flavour, mind you there are hops in it, why did you use this anyway? run out of dextrose/sugar?

Is that hop bitterness your tasting? if so let it sit for a few weeks and it may smooth out.
Tried spraymalt because it suggested it on the instructions as an alternative to sugar or carbonation drops, to give better body and taste.
I suspect it could be hop bitterness, so I'll leave it for another few weeks and see what happens.
You don't have to use sugar for priming if you don't want to.
I use the Krausening method as outlined in Papazians 'joy of homebrewing' book and, with a very small amount of tweaking have got it working prefectly. Basically you just draw off a certain volume of wort before you pitch your yeast (based on your final volume and O.G.), into a sterile container and keep it in the fridge. Ferment the beer as normal and when you go to bottle, rack the beer into a clean fermenter and mix in the wort from the fridge.

Very easy and won't cost you extra for carbonation additives...

The hopped DME shouldn't make it more bitter as those hops weren't in the boil - unless you boiled the DME for >30 minutes to sanitise I don't think it would make a difference.


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