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Over the next couple of weeks there will be a few new beers available on tap at Malthouse thanks to the manic hopsters at Epic and Hallertau. On thursday 17/07/08 we will be launching Epic Armageddon and Maximus Humulus Lupulus (??!!) from Hallertau for the first annual West Coast IPA Challenge. Luke and Steve will be in the house to launch their new offsprings, and I'm sure they will be happy (hoppy) to answer any questions you all have over a quiet beer or three. On the same day we also see the arrival of the NHC Bock which was brewed at Hallertau, but get in quick, cos when its gone.... its gone.

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Sounds like great hop grinning fun.
Is it true that Neil Miller will be having a "hop in"? I've heard that he will be sleeping in the porch area of The Malthouse until all IPA has been consumed.
Hang on, I will go out there with his morning cuppa and ask him...
Morning cuppa of Mayhem, one assumes?
How many kegs of the three will you be getting?
to start off I will get in 3 or 4 of the Epic & Hallertau and maybe just 1 of the Bock- If it sells well I can get as much as Steve will give me.
Might be MHL – Maximus Humulus Lupulus, a greek god kinda like Bacchus I think, but more into beer than wine. I dunno, unofficial poster.
There best be some left for your most loyal Hamilton customer at the Brewer hug-in on Friday!
Try and hang on to some of that stuff until the 23rd when I'll be in town. I was a great fan of the old Malthouse when I briefly lived in Wellington back in 1999 so I'm looking forward to visitng the new place and hopefully sampling some of these stunners.


Kegging up the IPA Challenge beers tomorrow, and shipping overnight to Wellington
Coming on Thursday to Malthouse .... Croucher Pale Ale on Tap...

Tasting Notes:

Appearance - A rich rose-gold hue, with good head.

Aroma - Massive up front fruit with strong freshly crushed grain. Passionfruit and lychees predominate with a stonefruit undertone - fruit salad on weetbix. Grassiness from three Nelson hop varieties compliment the fruit to give an aroma reminiscent of a Marlborough Sauvignon Blanc but the grunt in the palate leaves you in no doubt that this is a very serious beer.

Body & Mouthfeel - Very smooth with a gorgeous lingering finish.

Delicious burps.


Bronze medal in Pale Ale category, Brew NZ 2006
oh, interesting...will be in for a pint soon...(re, probably tomorrow)
Col, and any others in Wellington late this week. We at Green Man will be having a tasting at Rumbles on Friday afternoon from 3-30 til 6-30. We will have the range available for sampling, and this will also be the place for the North Island launch of our White Label series, with Whisky Bock (batch #2). This is the 9% 'neat' whisky beer that is blended with Best Bitter to make our Strong, and Dark Mild to make Celt. The 1st batch, of just 200 bottles, was very well received, but we found it didn't travel well, as it ran out before any could make it north of the Cook Strait...
Needless to say, we had another, larger batch this time, on the go, and it is this batch that went on sale here in Dunedin a couple of days ago, on Friday the 22nd, and will be coming with me as I bring the van and tasting set-up to Wellington. This time we've bottled more, but even then there's only 1400 bottles available. Each one is hand-numbered, and has our brewmasters signature on. We had an excellent article written about us in the ODT last Wednesday, and the local launch was announced. As a result of that we had our biggest day at the local Farmers Market for months, 200% up on regular sales, and we sold over 80 bottles of this beer alone in less than 5 hours. We even had a 76 year old Swedish man email us about the 1st batch, saying it was the best beer he's ever tasted.
CU @ Rumbles.


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