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hi there

I visit your site regularly and always find it an extremely good read and informative. I am on the committee at my Local Soccer club in Wellington and we are in the process of organizing a round the world beer night for the end of July.

I was wondering if you have any tips and ideas on trying to organize one of these evenings, any help would be really appreciated i.e. how to structure the night, etc

I remember going to a pub in the deep south years ago and they had one organized on their events board however we never got to stay in the town long enough to experience it .

In our minds we have that we issue people with a passport as their entry ticket that has say 10 different beers on it and they have they passport stamped at the bar upon purchasing the beer of the next particular country, however we need to know of other things we can do on the night as far as things to do throughout the night that will tie in with the particular countries etc

Please help!!


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Hi Phil

I definitely recommend visiting the good folks at Regional Wines and Spirits, Rumble's, or calling New World Island Bay. You could probably go close to getting beers from every continent from these places. Be adventurous on some beers but keep in mind that this will be adventurous for most people without heading too far into leftfield.

Another even better option (and environmentally / peak oil friendly) would be to do a tour of NZ breweries. Here's a nice trip for you (all at Regionals):
Invercargill Pitch Black (Invercargill)
Wanaka Cardrona Gold (Wanaka)
Emerson's Pilsner (Dunedin)
Three Boys IPA (Chch)
Tuatara Hefe (Wgtn)
Mike's Mild Ale (New Plymouth) big plastic flagons in the chiller
Roosters Dark (Hastings) - it is on tap
Gisborne Gold (Gisborne)
Croucher Pale Ale (Rotorua)
Epic Pale Ale (Akl)

Remember to enjoy in moderation. Good luck, and sectare fidem ;-)

Hey Stu

Excellent thanks for your help. You a stream old boy?? I love the idea even more so of doing a round the world in New Zealand sampling the local beers

I am also seeking ideas on how to format/structure the night.. have you ever been to a function like we are looking at doing.


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