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Hi All
(Hopefully I didn't miss a thread here, I searched first!)
Just wanted to see if anyone has rhizomes available this year? I hear there is a shortage, however if there are any suppliers anyone knows of I would be keen to given them a go!

Maybe we can get a list of suppliers going? I see in the old forum that Stephen @ Hallertau may have been one of them, any ideas?


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The rhizomes are probably all spoken for, but I'm most keen for a cutting. Am in Chch too.
I will be at Beervana Sat arvo if you still have any left! can swap for Mystery German or Smoothcone?
See you at beervana Crabbey. I'll get one off you then mate.
I'm keen to grow some Hallertau if you got a spare rhizome?
Has anyone started hacking up rhizomes yet? I might need to have a little dig around and see what mine are doing.

Any good tips or guides about cutting rhizomes?
Actually I have just noticed a growth above ground with some buds on my sticklebract, I think we still have some frost to come so I have covered it over with some pea straw to protect it. I think it is still abit early to be planting rhizomes, no point in planting out rhizomes untill soil temps are conducive to growth, otherwise they could just rot.

But to answer your question about cutting up rhizomes, I think a rhizome needs to have noticable eyelets/buds/nodes for a growth to sprout from otherwise its just a peice of root.
and would also need to be reasonably thick, as this is where the energy is stored for initial growth, so the thicker the rhizome the stronger the sprout.
I have similar above ground shoots. I reckon as long as they don't open they should be fine(as far as frost is concerned).
I am keen to lift mine, and divide them up, as in 6 weeks I am moving house. Has anyone done this and have any tips?
When i divided my rhizomes, I cut them up and stored them in a plastic bag in the fridge, they kept well for weeks before I gave them away, and now they are all over the country.
I wouldn't worry about frosts, i used to grow mine in southland, exposed buds and all, i think they like a good freeze. never had a problem, they grow well in england after all.
Cut a piece of root, stick it in clonex, then put it in a pot away from the frost.

I had 12 of them in the house last September... they all sprouted, but I think I was lucky!
I'd cover those early shoots with pea straw. Lots of perennials shoot early then get munted by a hard frost here because they come from climates with much more predictable seasons. The pea straw is light coloured, so should keep the ground a few degrees cooler than bare soil on a warm winter day.

I'd also presume that the larger the cutting of rhizome, the more energy it has to take off with.

Be interested to hear which hops folks have managed to get: I'm growing Smoothcone, but it seems to be tricky to find other varieties.
My smoothcone went nuts the first year, then has not really fired in the second. Cascade grow okay, but needs a bit of attention this year!
Where did you get the Cascade James? I'm struggling to work out what beer to use Smoothcone in, but I could definitely find a use for Cascade. If you ever have have a spare cutting there's a bottle of average beer in it for you :)


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