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Hi All
(Hopefully I didn't miss a thread here, I searched first!)
Just wanted to see if anyone has rhizomes available this year? I hear there is a shortage, however if there are any suppliers anyone knows of I would be keen to given them a go!

Maybe we can get a list of suppliers going? I see in the old forum that Stephen @ Hallertau may have been one of them, any ideas?


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I did think about it but I want to chuck them in the kit. Hopefully they'll shine in that :P 95gm dried. Pretty happy with that.

Bloody hell, looks like a tray full of Brussell Sprouts ...
How long did you dry them for, and at what temperature? Fan bake or straight out heating? Enquiring minds need to know.
That's exactly what I did. You'll note in the pick above I used cake racks, don't bother with them I ended up taking them out as the air under the hops was too moist and not drying them properly. Took the racks out and left them on the trays and they dried up nicely. I think I had the fan on too.
I used 50°C with the door open last year, but from memory I got 9 hop cones... and it was a joke as they blew out of the oven.... :)

This year will use the same as above for half of them, and the other half will be dried on a screen in the garage with a fan underneath to see which is better.
Hey James,
Any hints on when to pick the cones. I have quite a few cones on my two vines. They are starting to develope the yellow powdery deposits among the layers.
Will they begin to smell like the ones we buy or does that come with drying?
I'm personally leaving mine at the moment, however yours may be ready given the micro climate in the bay.

You would normally pick when the hops cones sound quite papery when squeezed and "bounce back" into shape as opposed to staying flatish from the squeeze. The leaves should start to brown a little.

The smell maybe a little different from the store bought varieties given they are fresh. Mine currently smell a little grassy and the glands are still quite bright yellow, as oppopsed to the golden "ripe/mature" colour you want.
In the south island I harvested in april sometime, the ones here in whakatane arent ready yet so will likely be april too, but they smell nice, I harvested when the hops started to brown on the edges and they felt papery.
I'm glad I harvested when I did because the vines just took a hammering in the recent weather. Could have been a crop ruined...
I have to agree Dan, the Danscade smell great, still a little "green" and grassy, but I can see it mellowing.

At least I should get enough for a brew or two this year!
Just bought a Sticklebract off TradeMe, should be here this week. My Smoothcone hasn't flowered at all, but it does look nice climbing the fence posts. Hopefully the new addition will shame the Smoothcone into flowering next season.
Should have waited Pilgrim I should be able to send a few sticklebract rhizomes away after wintering if anyone wants some. I would be keen on a swap with a danscade too


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