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The Fridge Freezer in our kitchen is starting to act up at the moment, it's still cooling but the bottom is freezing the veggies even though it's at it's lowest setting. I reckon we'll buy a replacement soon.

I'm hoping to keep the fridge and move it to the garage. Just wondering if there's any way I can use this for both fermenting and serving? Will the freezer part be rendered useless by the inclusion of a fridgemate?

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Hey Rusty

Yeap, keep it for the garage. Using a fridgemate means that if the temperature probe is in fridge part then the fridge / freezer will only run when the temperature is outside the range in the fridge compartment.

Only issue you will have is if you want to lager @ 12C but serve @ 4C. In winter my garage is keeping my brews at about 10 - 12C so i'll only be worried in late spring / summer / early autumn months.

Either way get a fridgemate (mine was $45+delivery from AU) as it is great for stable temperatures. I had it wired up in about 20 mins and I'm pedantic when it comes to mains power so took my time!
Thanks James. Sounds like a plan to me.

So, what kind of temperatures do you fellas think I could manage out of the freezer part if I was using the fridge part as a fermenter?


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