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I'm just about ready to keg my first brew but I still need to get my hands on a co2 bottle. I don't want to rent one I would much prefer to buy one and the only place I found so far is $250 for a 3.5kg bottle.
I know I can get one from the states for around $170 including shipping but dont really want to wait the two weeks.

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I had a converstaion with a colleague yesterday about CO2 and he mentioned food grade CO2 vs. non food grade. BOC claim that their beverage CO2 is "Food Fresh". Is wormald CO2 food grade? Is there really a difference? Does anyone know anything about this?
The reason I ask is that I'm about to either rent from BOC or buy from Wards (6.8kg steel $415, 5kg Aluminium $450). I keep changing my mind about the best option.

The converted fire extinguishers make me nervious from some of the stories.

Any recommendations?
If you get a converted fire extinguisher and advise them it is for beer, then they SHOULD have it cleaned and filled with the mythical food grade CO2 (I have been told they add an inline filter to the hose filling it). In addition the bottle SHOULD be painted grey which indicates food grade or so I am told.
Just rent it!!
Just buy it!!!
And stick it to the BOC man!
I asked the Wormald guys when I got mine and they assured me that it was food grade, and in fact that they (the particular outfit i was talking to) had their main supply supplied by BOC anyways.

In the end I purchased a fire extinguisher off trademe for $60, has Asco CO2 in Chch fit a thumbwheel to the top and fill it for about $65, and its been sweet as. I had it retested and refilled there the other day (after about a dozen kegs i guess) for $20. Now that is cheap!

warning though, check you can get it filled somewhere, although it is fully certified/tested, BOC won't touch it...

Another note, asco also sell new bottles for a sharp price. I got one for a mate for 280 last year.
I spoke to Wormald today and they assured me that their CO2 is food grade.
hi, i got two 22.5 kg bottle on trade me for $40.00 each and they had two years to go on there test
so they are out there just keep looking
fire extinquisher bottle work well ,the test cost $37.00 and a tap is about $60.00 . new bottles are about $500.00
mine are away getting filled though blackwood payles one with food grade co2 ,the other with beer gas
a fire extinquisher service place will fill with industry grade co2
This has been posted here before, but to save all you Aucklanders the trouble of searching,
Pressure Check Cylinder Testing in Westmoreland St Grey Lynn (google it for phone number) will sell you an ex-extinguisher for $200 cash, choose your own from the variety they have in stock (all shapes and sizes) and will refill for you with "food grade" C02 (I've personally eyeballed the "this is food grade" sticker on the side of their BOC supplied bulk tank) for $20.

My 5kg bottle lasts me around a year.
The dude there is a great guy too.

I second this endorsement. I Have a slightly smaller bottle and he often only charges me $10 for a fill.
Sounds good, my cylinder's about to run empty so I might have to check this guy out.

So that's 200 bucks ready to rock and roll? Bring it home and chuck on the regulator?


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