I have started a Google Map that plots the pubs I visited while in the UK recently. I hope to get this finished in the next week before I head back to the UK for another tour. I am 90% there on the pubs. I still need to download all my tweets for that period to cross reference the beers tweeted with notes recorded. Link To Map
Ah good question and need to get around to writing up a summary of the trip. Over all probably 75% of the cask beer I had was in good condition. I was going to pubs that had been recommended or was being taken to to be impressed.
Was very impressed with the Everards pubs I went too. Had an amazing pint of Everards Original, 5.2%. Really made me realise why cask ale can be so good.
Also had a perfect pint (well two to be sure) of Theakstons Old Peculier at the Kings Head in Bayswater. Maybe the best pint I had whole trip.
Had my interest for the Mild style rekindled with a pint of Fullers Hock. A dark mild, while was very good. Previously I had thought milds were a waste of malted barley.
The Market Porter at Borough Markets was amazing it was like a continuous beer festival. 13 pumps, while I was there 4 new beers went on. You could spend forever in there and not drink the same beer twice. Some of the beers though were a bit average from some small brewers.
The Rake also at the Borough Markets was a top end beer geek bar stocking the extreme beers. It made me very happy, and very poor.
Great picture of the Collyweston Slater. Wish that was walking distance from my house...
Comment by Greig McGill on April 3, 2009 at 7:44am
I had to laugh at your Bayswater Arms experience. That was my first pint in London last year, and if I hadn't been to England before and knew what real ale could be, it might have put me off real ale then and there. Cloudy as hell, stale, meaty. I was going to take it back, but the friend I was with said there was no point as I'd just get another! AND it had Cask Marque! What was more irritating is that we'd just tried the Kings Head, and their handpumps were offline for cleaning! First and last time I ever saw that happen at any pub near lunchtime.
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