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Brew_Sci, Haish, and I have this barrel of cider aging til summer (or til it's good I guess). Currently resting under Brew_Sci's house, and mad props to him for sorting out such a sweet barrel. It's ex chardonnay.

Views: 121

Comment by Chad Keven on April 26, 2012 at 11:50am

did you press enough juice to fill the whole thing? 220L? how many kg of apples?

Comment by Richard Jack on April 26, 2012 at 3:02pm

Hey, we got about a tonne of apples but they aren't all in there. Some has gone to the pot still (right now there is about 50L fermenting for the still, and I've already done 2 runs on previous ferments),  some 60L went to other brewers (raffe coined the term saider by fermenting some out with saison yeast), and there is a 50L carboy of keeved farmhouse cider in the keg fridge slowly fermenting at 10C. We actually undershot the barrel capacity slightly though, so we had to top up slightly with water. We also put a bit of keri juice into the barrel when we racked to deal to any oxygen, hence the airlock. Oh, and I added dextrose back to some of the pulp and fermented on it for a kind of apple grappa thing.

Comment by Chad Keven on April 27, 2012 at 10:35am

thats cool, working together on a big brew with variations

Comment by Matt on April 27, 2012 at 6:58pm

Boxes/crates to the right are doppelbocks, belgian dubbels and dark strongs. I think I have reached cellar status! 


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