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This week sees the return of Epic Pale Ale to Galbraith's Alehouse

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There is 2 Emersons Brewers Reserves on their way - Marchus & the Hop Harvest. Plus there is a sneaky keg of Tuatara Pilsner lurking in the back of the chiller. Get Dave to bring it out for you......!!!
I've just heard that there is a dry hopped cask 18gals of old burton on the bar at Galbraiths! Get yourself in there sharpish!
Seasonal release - "Pride of Warminster" IPA 6.1% - single hop variety (not mentioned). Tasting superb. Great way to pass a rainy afternoon.
The last cask of dry-hopped Pride of Warminster is on the bar at Galbraith's right now - get yourself up there!
The first of two Yeastie Boys Nerdherder kegs have been tapped, just in time for the short week. Lets see if we can make the 2-keg order a regular occurrence!
I shall be doing my best to drain it this afternoon.
Shame they had to take it off just as we got started. It was foaming too much and they were wasting it. A sensible decision, but sad.
We've had similar problems with Nerdy at Hashigo too. Intermittant, but odd.
It's pouring all good now
Same at Hashigo, although there's only about 4 pints left in the keg.
Still pouring Nerd Hurder at Galbriaths today - tasting great guys.


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