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Greetings Homebrewers 

The next style for WBC competitors is "English Best Bitter" Category 8B in BJCP guidelines.

http://www.bjcp.org/2008styles/style08.php#1b (edited for current style guide - Thanks Raffe)

As per usual, let me know if you plan to enter. I need volunteers for judging again, so if you do not plan to enter, please consider participating.

Our rules are simple, bring 2 bottles of each entry (one to share with the other entrants, one for judging) and 10$ per entry. Winner (total points from 3 judges) takes the cash, 3rd place chooses the next style. We meet at Hallertau in Riverhead at 3PM but watch this space for any updates to either time or date.

Good luck!


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Thanks judges and Alex for the hard work; 22 beers is a mission!

Here's my recipe (21L planned, 24L actual):

4.00kg Thomas Fawcett Maris Otter

0.25kg Aromatic Malt

0.25kg Medium Crystal

0.10kg Victory Malt

35g East Kent Goldings @ 60

15g EKG @ 20

15g EKG @ 0

2nd generation London Ale III (1318)

Things I would change (thanks to helpful notes from the judges):

Remove the victory malt altogether and/or reduce the aromatic malt (trying to eliminate doughiness). Carbonate it a bit more. Sort my shit out re the water volumes -- 3L too much -- and perhaps increase the 60 min addition to 40g.

Sounds like an awesome day yesterday. Congrats Damian on your result. Whats the class for the next competition?

American Brown :) As chosen by moi

Good stuff Damian. It's about time I stopped being so antisocial. I'm in for the next style.

Congrats to the winners! Sorry I've been slack at getting the results up here.

Judges notes: overall standard was quite low, with some major fermentation and recipe issues. That said, the winners were very nice beers!

Third Place, and picker of the next style (http://www.bjcp.org/2008styles/style10.php#1c) was Maree.

Second Place was Dan.

Winner, and keen recipe poster was Damian! Congrats.

We're looking at the end of May for the next one, which will rule me out as I'll be in Aussie for the Melbourne Good Beer Week. I might leave Barb to arrange this when she gets back. She assures me she's cold and miserable in Fargo right now. I hope there aren't any woodchippers...

Well done Damian and Maree. Big thanks to the judges for another awesome comp!

I'll take a lead from Damian and give my recipe - which was a close second. It's interesting to see the differences...

21L - o/g 1.052 - f/g 1.012

4.25kg Golden Promise

150g Caramalt

150g Dark Crystal

60 min - 22g Motueka

45 min - 22g Pacifica

10 min - 25g EKG

10 min - 15g Styrian Goldings

40 IBU

second gen Thames Valley wyeast 1275 - 1 liter slurry

Happy brewing :)

1L of slurry!!!??? I've always been down on over pitching. I guess I'll reconsider. I love brewing. You never stop learning.

haha - I guess I'm now overcompensating after a few comments of under pitching related off flavours :) Good to see your paying attention though Greig!

Congrats Damian, Dan and Maree - nice looking recipes too.  Bitters are deceptively simple but so hard to nail.  Sorry I couldnt make it this time around but I reckon autumn's an excellent time for an American Brown.  Looking forward to May.

I thought so too :) Bring on all the American Browns :)

Yea congrats you guys, guttered I couldn't attend :( Had a mean afternoon drinking homebrew Arrogant Bastard instead though tehehe. Good next style choice Maree, taking bets on how many Janet's Brown Ale's are entered? ;) 


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