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One of my handpumps is at Bar Edward at the moment. We put it there for some Invercargill and Yeastie Boys beers but I've told James that I'm happy for anything to go through it.

Did anyone get into Bar Edward to try Invercargill Stanley Green late last week? This is a beer that I've always wanted to like but very rarely felt more than slightly apathetic about. Fresh on handpump it is truly something quite different.

It's the second time this year I've tried it on the handpump (the last time was at Buster Crabb - a must visit resturant/bar in Invercargill)... it is a truly splendid, quite pale, pale ale with the most "English" hop flavour I've ever tried in a New Zealand beer. Juicy balanced malt/hop combination, fresh, mildly fruity, slightly steely, the perfect bitterness to command the drinker to order another on the last sip. Really really drinkable.

Keep us posted about what else goes on here. Join the Bar Edward group on facebook if you want to keep abreast of what's on tap or handpump there.

Views: 166

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Hi Stu,

Do you have a link to the facebook group?

Thanks Stu.
This discussion is closed. James is buying the handpump, so it is no longer my free handpump... it is his free handpump.


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