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The 4th Limbo competition will be held at 34a Potter Avenue in Northcote on 13 October 2013 starting at 2pm. Bring family and/or friends to help judge. Bring light nibbles if you like. Bring a jug for each beer you enter.

We'll loosen up the judging criteria this time and simply have people pick their 1st, 2nd and 3rd favourite beers which will be allocated 3, 2 and 1 points respectively. The beer with the most points wins. Also, we'll pour all the beers at once so people can go back and compare.

Awesome! Looking forward to seeing what gems come out this time.

Viva la session beer!

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Congratulations to newcomers Matt and Dave for finally breaking Richard's winning streak!

15 entries this time and most of them very drinkable. Matt and Dave won with their ... (what style was that?). Then me with a failed PKB clone. Then Richard with a petite sour blend.

Sounds like Matt and Dave are keen to host the next one where there might be a bit of a pizza theme. Keep your eyes peeled for it.

Thanks very much for hosting Damian, great to meet everyone and try a fair few homebrews (a number of which, in my opinion, were much better than ours!)

The trophy is taking pride of place in the brew shed.

Our beer was a Summer Rye, inspired by the GP/Nøgne Ø collaboration from last year – Summer Sommer.

Summer Rye

OG 1.036; FG 1.009; 3.6%ABV 53IBU

56% MO; 12.5% Rye; 12.5% Munich; 8.5% Carared; 8.5%Carapils; 1% Acidulated; 1% Carafa III mashed at 68.5C

10IBU Pacific Jade at 60;

25g Citra, 20g Amarillo, 20 Simcoe at 5min

40g Citra, 30g Simcoe, 30g Amarillo at 0min plus short hot stand

30g Citra, 15g NS, 25g Amarillo dry for 7 days

Yeast: Gen 3 1056 (this was a mistake… far to attentive)

Happy to host next time & crank up the pizza oven (as long as everyone is ok making the trek across the bridge?)  Will begin organising something a little later in the new year.

A discussion has been started for Limbo Comp #5  here: 


Cheers, Matt.


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