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Maximus IPA

A ProMash Brewing Session - Recipe Details Report

Recipe Specifics

Batch Size (L): 22.00 Wort Size (L): 22.00
Total Grain (kg): 5.15
Anticipated OG: 1.064 Plato: 15.62
Anticipated EBC: 11.4
Anticipated IBU: 149.8
Brewhouse Efficiency: 89 %
Wort Boil Time: 90 Minutes


% Amount Name Origin Potential EBC
89.2 4.59 kg. Gladfields Ale Malt NZ, Canterbury 80.07 5
9.3 0.48 kg. Bairds Caramalt 30 UK 73.58 30
1.5 0.08 kg. Weyermann Acidulated Germany 80.07 5

Potential represented as Yield, Fine Grind Dry Basis.


Amount Name Form Alpha IBU Boil Time
6.0 g. Columbus Pellet 14.20 14.4 90 min.
6.0 g. Simcoe Pellet 12.20 12.4 90 min.
4.0 g. Columbus Pellet 14.20 8.5 60 min.
4.0 g. Simcoe Pellet 12.20 7.3 60 min.
4.0 g. Columbus Pellet 14.20 6.8 30 min.
4.0 g. Simcoe Pellet 12.20 5.8 30 min.
10.0 g. Columbus Pellet 14.20 10.7 10 min.
10.0 g. Simcoe Pellet 12.20 9.2 10 min.
8.0 g. Columbus Pellet 14.20 3.6 0 min.
20.0 g. Simcoe Pellet 12.20 7.6 0 min.
65.0 g. Amarillo Pellet 8.60 17.8 Dry Hop
10.0 g. Nelson Sauvin Whole 13.20 3.8 Dry Hop
55.0 g. Columbus Pellet 14.20 26.7 Dry Hop
40.0 g. Simcoe Pellet 12.20 15.3 Dry Hop


Amount Name Type Time
0.19 gm Servomyces Other 10 Min.(boil)
0.77 gm Copperflock Fining 10 Min.(boil)


White Labs WLP001 California Ale

From Steve himself so this is the biz...  


Views: 1213

Replies to This Discussion

not as Maximus as it was ???

Has anyone tried this ? im keen to give it a go. What does the comment "From Steve Himself" refer too ? i cant work it out.

Any other tips for this one 

Thanks Goatboy


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