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I drank one yesterday and damn it was good. Any one got any idea about cloning it?

I see there is a kit here.

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riwaka, citra, 50/50 pils and pale. thats all i know.

Wouldn't have guessed that! Do you think there's any dextrose in there to bump up the ABV?

I'd say so.

my other understanding is there is another 1 or two hops in there 4 i think?

pale ale and pils malt + 4 hops 2 nz 2 us according to the web site.

For me what I would really like to know is the schedule eg x total hops at y minutes rather than the specifics of the hop varieties. Because to me its not the characteristics of any particular hop that make this beer great, its that it has buckets of what I think of as the best characteristics of hops generally with nothing sharp or harsh. I know it must have huge IBUs but it hardly seems bitter at all to me with the sweet pilsner malt and all the other hop flavor.

I'd love to know too! Going by the recipes for the Pale Ale and Zythos/One Trick Pony beers, Luke seems to like spreading out the hop additions (they're both 60-30-10-0-0-dry-dry IIRC) so I wouldn't be surprised if a similar approach is used with Hop Zombie.

Actually, it's been a while since I last tried the Zombie, maybe I need to refresh my memory....

So 0-0 being flame out and a bit later in the whirlpool? I've been looking at the pale ale recipe and thinking thats probably a good place to start but obviously way more hops and probably heavier in the later additions compared to the earlier ones.

I wasn't that impressed with the last bottle I had of hop zombie but this one must have been a lot fresher. Its the first time in a while I've thought "damn thats the kind of beer I want to brew"


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