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Hi guys,

So, work was doing a stock take on hops yesterday and found some they didn't want (some old hops and some from mac's brewery), so instead of throwing them out, gave them to me. Trouble is, I now have 60kg + of hops which I couldn't possible use by myself. (tragic, I know...)

So who's keen to trade some homebrew for some hops?

I have about:
36kg Trial hops
8.5kg Riwaka
6.6kg NZ Golding
4.5kg Pacific Gem
4.3kg Southern Cross
1.5kg Willamette

Since there's sooo much trial hops, purhaps this could be a theme of an up-coming comp?

Any body got a vacuum packer thingy and some bags we could pack them in?

Preferably wanna sort this out soon, my kegorator doesn't exactly have room for this quantity of hops...


Views: 160

Replies to This Discussion

I have to agree with crabbe, the competition sounds like fun. Any idea of the lineage of the trial?

I have a vacuum sealer, so will get hold of it when you organise when you want to weigh and seal.
No idea of the lineage, the trial number is 99-28-39, so maybe we could find out some more info from nzhops.

Purhaps we can all get together the weekend after next to sort everything out?
Yeah comp with everyone using same hops sounds great. Would be keen for some Riwaka/SC it any spare after Crabbey & James get their lot!!!
There is no Riwaka left eh Tom.... *wink* *wink*
why am I not surprise James.....prob the same reason I don't have any case swap beers either......haha
I blame Rev... but I would prefer carbonated beer so will wait with anticipation!
Nah, sorry mate. I threw the rest out when i moved up to Auckland.

You really are an Aucklander now Tom.... what happend to you?

Haha. I will never be an aucklander mate. Although I did find myself drinking a lion red at west auckland rugby club last night...


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