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those of you that boil with gas,what type of burner do you use?

i 've discounted the 23 jet mongolian burners and the duckbill burners as they're apparently not adjustable so that leaves me with the 3/4 ring burners.

does anyone know whether its possible to get the hurricane/banjo burners over here? i'll be using bottled lpg so so it'll need to work with that.

any other options i've not come across?


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I get 50L to the boil in 30-40Min. That's with the burner running I'd say 3/4 capacity as my setup starves it oxygen anything above that with the way it's setup at the mo .
Thanks, looks like I'm getting those sent to Dad, and have him send over....
They look great! Wish I'd thought of Amazon when I was upgrading.

This is quite interesting: burner test link

If my old 3 ring hadn't been a cheap Bunnings job that keeps back burning at the jets, I would probably have just upgraded the regulator to do bigger boils.  


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