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Me again. I've been on the hunt for a water report for Whakatane and have had no luck so far. Tried the district and regional councils. Neither have info on the ion make up. The engineer at the water treatment plant was even nice enough to test my water but he could only give me pH and hardness.

I'm thinkin' that if I really want the lowdown I'll need to have it tested. Have any of you done this before?

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Agree with Chiq... I have been using rain water for the last 12 months and it is a lot easier.

That said I used Central Environmental Laboratories in PN last time... but you might want something closer.

They sent me a sampling kit (bottles in a styrafoam box) which needed to be returned within 24hours after the sample is taken (as not so skew the results) so you might want something closer.

Thanks for the input.

As far as paid water reports go I think I'd have to do it through Hill's in Hamilton.

Our water changes a great deal from season to season so I've been giving serious thought to RO. How much did it cost you to set yours up Chiq? 

Cheers Chig I'll have a look for that. At that price it's cheaper than having my water tested and it won't vary.

Water chemistry is definitely the next variable I wanna focus on. Am currently readin Water by John Palmer
Just found those filters Chig. Cheers for the heads up. Definitely look like the go. Does it take long to collect a batch of water?

Speaking of acid additions - does anyone know a source for phosphoric acid?

up to now I have been using citric acid - 2g in a 15L in the mash. This lowers the likes of gladfield's pilsner malt to 5.3 ph.

I don't believe this amount of citric acid would be detectable in a 26L batch.

I was considering phosphoric acid as this is what the professional guys seem to use.. 


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