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Um I used to enjoy a Yeastie Boys but will struggle next time thinking what piece of Steve I might be getting in my pint glass.....

Comment from Stu regarding a recent Marlborough Express article by Geoff Griggs....

"Re Steve Nally at Invercargill……

Not just the "skill and experience" but also the "passion"... Steve treats every beer like it’s his own baby. He thinks about it in advance, about how it will fit into his own stable of beers
and how it needs to be nurtured before moving it out into the big wide world.
Every time I give him a recipe I give him a little piece of me, and in every
beer he produces for us we all receive a little piece of him back.

Stu McKinlay Yeastie Boys"

I've heard of supplier-customer relationships before but its gotten more interesting......maybe there's more to the man-hugs than I thought.  And Stu it was 2pm in the afternoon brother not late night after a few dozen pints....whatever you were on it must have been good stuff...I'll have what you're having...share the love!


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Well, this slipped under the radar. Serves you right for posting at 3:54pm (we're usually all on the way to the pub by then).


Not to worry Father... I talked with Bob today and when his "Christmas present"* arrives, he's assured me that he'll keep it well away.




* that's the term you use for something you promised 4 months before Christmas but are only getting around to now!


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