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Greetings fellow home-brewers,

I'm part of a group organising New Zealand's first ever national home-brewers' conference! The event will be held in sunny Nelson on March 18th and 20th 2016, with Marchfest (Nelson’s craft beer festival) in between on Saturday the 19th, so mark those dates your diary.

The conference proper will be held on Sunday 20th March and features an expo, speakers and workshops to help brewers make better beer, share ideas with each other and generally educate themselves on the subject of beer, brewing, ingredients, techniques etc. There will be a social night too with tastings of home-brew and lots of time to chat.

There will be some options of more social events on Friday 19th such as a tour around some of Nelson's beer related gems, and a unique home-brew competition called “BrewMania”.

We haven't 100% finalised all the details yet, so if you’re interested sign up on our website http://www.nzhc.nz for updates, and we’ll keep you in the loop. We promise to keep emails to a necessary minimum.

If you’re thinking you’d like to be involved in actually running the conference then you can register interest as a volunteer too.

We’re hoping this is the start of a what will become a huge event in the home-brewing calendar, and would love you guys to help us spread the word even if you can’t make to Nelson in March. We’re more than happy to answer questions, either here or via email if you have any.

So, remember to go and sign up for information and progress updates: http://www.nzhc.nz

Thanks heaps, and look forward to seeing you all in Nelson :-)

Karl Summerfield

Posted with permission of the site admin

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Nice work Karl. Looking forward to it already! Are you guys going to have a fb page too?

We have set one up here: http://facebook.com/nzhomebrewers


There's a Twitter feed too, for those who prefer tweeting to facebooking:



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