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Perhaps this is just a slight rant...

What is with the Hazy IPA craze lately. I remember obsessing about trying to get my beers more clear by whirpooling, using irish moss or whirlfloc in the boil, sometimes gelatine in the fermenter, and cold crashing, just so that I could get nice clarity.

Is the Hazy craze sloppy brewing, or is there more too it that I am just missing? I find that one could still have good clarity whilst getting the same level of hop character.

(tbh...I do like the flavour of some of the hazy beers myself.)


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I myself am not a fan of them at all.

I think you are right Michael, it might of stemmed from lazy brewing. I hear some brewers are deliberately trying to keep yeast in suspension to accentuate the haze craze.

I guess like any fad, it will run its due course :)


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