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I'm getting set up for kegging and have been looking around to see which regulator I should get. I would like a dual pressure reg but all of the ones I have seen in the home brew stores or on trade me seem to be cheaper brands. My research suggests that the Micromatic regulators are the way to go. CraftBrewer sells the single pressure one for $105 and has a Harris dual pressure for $319!


However I can get a Dual Pressure Micromatic from the US for $125USD + $60USD postage, or if I order 3-4 the price comes down to $112 USD (wholesale) and shipping is approximately $120USD to Wellington.

This is the regulator:



Is there anyone else that would like to join in a shipment to get the dual pressure Micromatic regulator? If we get four people then it's around $150USD ($187NZD - around the same price as the cheap brands from NZ).


If anyone else has other options for getting a quality dual pressure regulator then please let me know.

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You will need to swap the inlet tube and nut to be compatible with NZ CO2 tanks. What about this:


Thanks Chris, Ross from CraftBrewer.com.au just reminded me of this fact too! Are they easy to swap, and do you know where I might get the parts?

I was looking at the BrewShop ones but I couldn't see the brand (and they didn't get back to me when I asked), thus assumed that it might be the same as their single reg which is Dorado and I've heard they are not great. Does anyone know the brand and would anyone recommend them?

Any cylinder testing/supply house should be able to help. BOC ought to be able to as well if you are stuck for options, but if you are around Wellington I'd try Wards or WR Twigg first.


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