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I am in the process of converting a few kegs.

I have managed to find everything except one fitting in stainless.

What do you use? and why?

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does the element run of a normal power point (sorry dont know anything about this stuff) would you be interested in selling me a couple? :D

also looking like a perfect clone you got going on there! hahaha

Yeah agree with the cost issue Chris, I deal daily in these fittings and know the true cost, and believe me even when I can buy at cost I dont have any in my setup lol. They are designed for hydraulics hence the cost due to the pressures they withstand 3000psi w.p and some. Need to find some dodgy backstreet Indian supplier and then that will get the cost realistic. I am looking at this with S/Steel quick connects at the moment, and hope to be able to get a M/F set of 1/2" couplers for around $20 the set. I will keep thee posted


if you are in welly i got some you can have 

Shizen Guy could have sent a bit today with your other bits, they should arrive tommorow, will sort out bill later this weekend, been buying a fair bit lately so my main supplier has upped the discount, and will pass this on of course lol

Hi Evan

I am just getting some gear together to do full grain brewing .

S/Steel quick connects M/F set of 1/2" couplers

I would been keen for some of these how did you get on  finding these ?


I'd be keen on some of these too...

I am hoping for an answer soon on 1/2 BSPF S/steel full flow quick connects and silicone tubing, will keep you all posted


How did you get on Evan? I am just looking for some quick connects in SS

Yeah Ralf, have had the sample of quick connects for a few weeks, they will work out just a tad dearer than camlocks but so much easier to use, I have to get back to supplier and find out lead times, can you wait or are you destitute lol


Pretty keen to get something set up... but I can probably wait. Will you post something up when you know?

Hi Evan, do you have any camlocks in stock? I could use a couple more in my setup ... just wondering are the camlocks made by some standard or are there differences between the manufactures? My last ones came from INZ-hydro, but I can't access the web site anymore, maybe they are out of business?


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