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Anyone got a good Hefe-Weizenbier Dunkel recipe??????

Hi Folks , Just tried Emerson's Hefe-weizenbier Dunkel and really loved it! anyone out there in home brew land brewed a similar beer, or heard of a good recipe? 

A quick search reveled something like this :

60% wheat malt

30% munich

6% biscuit/ carapils

4% choc malt

28 g mellow hops @ 60

safbrew WB-06 ???


What do you think?


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I recently brewed a Dunkelweizen. Came out perfect for me. The recipe has some odds and ends in it, because I used up some final bits of some malts.

The secret to a good dunkelweizen is the dark wheat and chocolate wheat. I would have used more dark wheat then I did, but I used all I had left.

I have never liked the results with WB-06, and prefer WY3068. I pitched a cup of slurry from a hefeweizen I brewed before this batch.  I mashed at 65ºC for 70 minutes, simple single infusion.


1200.00 g Wheat Malt, Pale (Weyermann) (3.9 EBC) Grain 7 23.1 %
20.00 g Carawheat (Weyermann) (98.5 EBC) Grain 11 0.4 %
400.00 g Vienna Malt (Weyermann) (5.9 EBC) Grain 8 7.7 %
1700.00 g Pale Malt, Halcyon, Floor Malted (Thomas Fawcett) (5.9 EBC) Grain 6 32.8 %
50.00 g Carafa Special II (Weyermann) (817.5 EBC) Grain 10 1.0 %
1720.00 g Wheat Malt, Dark (Weyermann) (13.8 EBC) Grain 5 33.1 %
100.00 g Chocolate Wheat (Weyermann) (817.5 EBC) Grain 9 1.9 %

21 g Hallertau Tradition (5.7%) - Boil 60 min 12.8 IBU


Don't know about 6% biscuit/carapils. Looks a bit high for my taste. The rest looks OK to me.


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