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$50+GST / month
Looking to increase capacity at The Far Canal Brewery.
Does anyone have an inside line on 150L stainless pots?
Need just the 1, thick bottom to be used with a rambo burner.
Alternate option for heating mash and sparge water:
I'm currently using a 100L Mashtun and 100L HLT, and yes, the old gas ring chews through a few Kgs of LPG in the process. Recently I got my hands on a 2nd hand LPG Califont - wow what a difference that makes. I can now pour straight from the califont into the MashTun at a constant 74C (or whatever temp required using a tap/thermometer combo = http://www.aliexpress.com/item/Wort-chiller-Thermometer-and-control... ) and also do the sparge straight from the califont. This saves loads of time and loads of gas. My brew day is now down to about 3.45 - 4hrs incl cleanup for a 70L brew. Happy with that!
Keep an eye on trademe for a califont!
Hi all,
I've been having a bit of a dig around including talking to some of the trademe dealers.
I've been having a chat to these guys about their 600 x 600 pots (approx 170L): http://gzwanyi.en.made-in-china.com/product/EKdngyLGXDWB/China-Stai...
They're pricing up at around $270 each landed in Christchurch for an order of five or about $230 for an order of 10. Obviously I don't want that many pots but if there's interest I can get some more details and have a chat to one of my mates who's in the import business to square up the numbers.
If you're interested let me know, I would probably take one and could throw a couple on trademe so would need at least two others to make it worth while. I can't vouch for quality but they look to be similar to the good quality 100L ones on trademe.
Also if anyone's particularly clued up on import happy to pass the torch on so to speak.
These have just shown up on trademe, look like they could be the money... http://www.trademe.co.nz/home-living/lifestyle/home-brewing/other/a...
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