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Does anybody know if there is someone who makes conical fermentors on the homebrewer scale in nz? or does anyone have expereince with ordering these from overseas? what sort of prices etc

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Quick update, 35 and 70 litre tanks will have final checks this Friday along with legs and new lid.

Blowoff fitting, thermowell and fermentor to keg fittings should be ready to test.

Pressure tests will begin on the weekend along with the new temperature control units and thermal jackets.

Looking to build a small temperature control brain as well to run both the heat and cool components but a bit of work getting them certified and manufactured.  A bit out of my comfort zone that one.  Seriously good designs for both heating and cooling, very inexpensive compared to what else is on the market.

Nano brewery frames have been given the thumbs up, single tier and tripple tier.  Great buy in from the engineers on this as they are labour intensive but they are very keen on getting people brewing beer having tasted it!  Test drawings will be finished mid next week and hopefully ready to order the following week.  Great prices on shipping too which will make a big difference to people down in more remote loocations.  I'll post prices when we are done designing.

Phamaceutical grade slants should be ready by next week along with a one stop shop for all your lab gear, best prices in NZ from what i can see.  I should also have a first test batch of bottled starter wort if people are keen to test it with the slants.

New valve sourced with a smooth outlet and a few more options being designed for quick release water tight connections.  Keeping in mind costs and ease of cleaning. 

Final tanks are ready! (35 litre and 70 litre)

Just the new pressurised lids and utility collar to go.  Final leg design and jet ejection system ready next week!  Thermal jackets are done but might need a tweek once once the heating system is complete.

The blow-off units are mint!  Comes with a thermowell and can be swapped out to a pick up pipe - so removes the need to run another tap through the side.  Always been a point that I didn't like, its just another point of infection thats not required in a domestic fermentor.

Prototypes for both heating and cooling should be ready for testing next week!  Half built on my kitchen table and going to the engineering shop tomorrow.  Really good value if they work and can be applied to any fermentor that you are running at home.

Scored some awesome deals on labware, premade slants and possibly bottled starter.  Should be cheap enough to encourage people to have a go - really chuffed with the slants, great time saver and antibacterial so as a beginer you get some additional protection if you make a mistake.

I have also started negotiations into a full stainless setup from the states, hopefully that comes off ok.  30-100 litre systems built to an awesome quality and really good value.  Might be 12 months or more away though, will take some capital to fund it.

Oh and have hopefully secured a source of hand pump beer engines from the UK.  First batch is in process now but will be 3 months or so before they are here.  Hopefully the first run is good then we should have handpumps in stock all the time.  Mostly Angram but a few other varieties and beer tower faucets.  Picked up a few test cider pumps too, these were for me but I have had a bit of interest since.  Very excited about this bit as the pumps are perfect!

Thank you to everyone for their support, been a long ride from just designing an affordable quality plastic tank that people can build on themselves. 

You can still build on it yourself of course, the tanks alone will be less than $100 with a full suite of threaded sockets built in.  Everything else can easily be made in the shed.  Of course I'd prefer you buy all the bits and pieces so I can pay the bank off :)

Stellar work Liam, rockstar!

Liam, do you have a web site where we can view and possibly purchase one of these wonders?

Thanks guys :)

Yes I have a website but its still under construction.  Also I'm not sure about sharing it myself on here with out paying for advertising.  will have to ask admin about that once the company is running.

Will post once its up and running though - if I do say so myself its looking pretty good, just need to get the photos up and finish the accounting side of it, and the tax, and the logistics, and so on :)

Nothing that time wont fix haha

Very keen to see this get up and going. After building converting and building the mash tun and kettle, it'd be nice to have a kitted out fermenter set up at home with all the bits and bobs. 

try looking for hopgoblin

I ma selling on on trademe for $1 res

pictures up soon


If I can get the tax part finished this week I should have it up and running and launch the tanks in a couple of weeks, just waiting on the pressure lid and utility collar but I'm busy and so are the engineers so hard finding time when we are both free.

Hopefully scored a good deal yesterday for thermal controllers, new super slick heating units and chiller units.

Also a great deal on slants for cultivating yeast, looks like I should be able to bundle them up $16 for 10 +gst, I guess I could run them as singles... 

Free weekend this weekend to sort all the final details out and start to order the first load of stock :p

The site looks great Liam and great to see it won't be too much longer before we can get more info on your gear...the conicals really look the business! Hoping to be moving home in about 6-8 weeks and setting up a brewery/boys bar in the back of the garage over winter so will definitely be getting some gear off you at some stage in the near future ;) 

Did I miss the web link?


Keen on ordering a coolant vest for an ss 50l con. fermenter I have (be a nice upgrade from the wet towel ; )

you just missed where someone said to search for hopgoblin.


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