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Since this is the most popular thread on the RealBeer.co.nz forum I thought I would start it here just to see what happens

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Oh, I don't know... I'm heading down the 'Levitation' style beers for summer at the moment. I've got a goodie for you to try ;-)
Ooooh, North Welly tasting soon then eh ?
Looks good, and should be very tasty.
The recipe is not dissimilar to an ESB in my fermenter at present, except I used Pommy hops and WY1968.
Brewed My version of Maximus yesterday, everything ran like clockwork.

5.50 kg Bairds Pearl
0.50 kg Bairds Caramalt
+lots of columbus & simcoe as per steves recipe.

Mashed low for a good attenuation, got 21L of 1.060 wort in the fermenter
Nice job Christian, looking forward to the taste testing!!!
Great to see another all grain brewer in the mix... good stuff Christian!
Whoaarr check out that mash tun! Where'd you get the rubbermaid cooler from?
Payless Plastics, Richmond. Just needs a Mashmaster thermometer to top it off.
I can swap you a glycerol stock for something else^^
Ah just saw you're in Wellington, that won't work! I'm in AK!
Try 100L of the stuff bring a wheel barrow!!! Hahahaha


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