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Since this is the most popular thread on the RealBeer.co.nz forum I thought I would start it here just to see what happens

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Cool. Sounds like you have quite a bit going on. It will be interesting to see how things go for you. Thanks for the heads up on the 3711. 

Hey, I went with M27, fermented at 27 deg,  the beer made it to 28. Primary phase seems to be over. Tastes and looks great. Not sure if the secondary should remain at 27 deg or if I should bring it down to the lower range for the yeast. I posted a question about this have had no takers. Any thoughts?

i left my dupont yeast saison at 25C for 8 weeks,  its a slow finisher, took ages to drop to FG.  It scored well at the brew fest comp after 2 weeks in bottle which is no where near enough time in bottle, really needs a few months.   I would take a gravity reading after 10 days and see what its at.   keep it warm till its finished.  I have not used m27 yet but have a pack in the fridge and I am temped to put down a 50 wheat 50 pilsner tonight.   I dont really like most of the classic wheat beers prefer to add a decent late hop of citra / armarillo etc and also dry hop.  still need to find some smelt.   was at the 8wired tap takeover at vulture last night some amny faces from on realbeer and man the black ipa is good....

Thanks Peter. I will do as you suggested. I normally transfer to a secondary fermenter but have decided to leave it as is this time, and there no dry hop to add so..... I kept some of my OG test sample, let it ferment at 27 deg and it is pretty dry already, after 2.5 days. Airlock activity is all but gone and clearing well, but it might have a few slow points to go. One more week should do it I hope. Jealous of the black IPA. I have been hanging out for that one. I think it will be in Wellington next, but before I am up there! Thinking a black IPA will be my next brew. 

So I kept it at 25-26C and the FG was 1.005 after 10 days. Looking very clear already and now it is the bottle. Tastes  great so I hope it conditions well.

Thinking of hoppy wheat beers, I had the Pretty Things/Yeasty Boys Our Turn Your Turn colab brew (American Wheat Ale) the other day. It was truly amazing and I am not normally a fan of wheat beers either.

So here's me sharing my first few weeks in brewing (and OG at that)!  BIAB by the way

'Nierra Sevada'  (Modified)

10L Batch

OG (target) : 1.067   IBU: 46

2.7kg (90%) Pale Malt

0.17kg (5%) Crystal-60

0.17kg (5%) Cara-Pils

20g Northern Brewer@ 70min

20g NZ Cascade@ 10min

10g NZ Cascade@ 5min

14g NZ Cascade for 5days


Mashed in @ 67C with 8L for 65min, batch sparge @ 77C with 7L

Stuffed up my strike temp so was at ~60C at the end of the mash and way underestimated boil off so had to add 3L in the fermentor to take it to 10.  OG: 1.057 (so WAY off).  Had it sitting there for a few weeks and bottled the other day, FG:1.012 Tastes delicious (flat) - plenty of malt character, lots of fruity front end hops (NZ cascade) and the end bitterness is no where near how intense I thought it would be...

'Fat Tyre Clone'


OG (target): 1.056     IBU: 24

1.13kg Munich Malt

1.02kg  Pale Malt

0.23kg Cara-Amber

0.11kg Biscuit Malt

0.07kg Crystal-80

11g Northern Brewer @ 60min

8.5g Hallertau @ 15min

2.5g Liberty @ 5 min

Mash @ 67C with 10L, batch sparge @ 77C with 7 L

Hit numbers a bit better (down to 64C at end of mash), OG:1.050 with ~10L in fermentor - currently having it sit for 5 weeks.

"Epic Pale Ale" (modified)


OG(target) : 1.059  IBU: 24 (~60)

2.15kg Golden Promise

0.28kg Cara-Malt

0.18kg Crystal-20

0.10kg Cara-Pils

4g NZ Cascade @ 75min

7g NZ Cascade @ 30min

15g NZ Cascade @10min

21g NZ Cascade @0 min (flameout)

21g NZ Cascade @0 min (hopstand)

28g NZ Cascade 10 days

28g NZ Cascade 5 days

Mash @ 66C with 10L for 75min, sparge with 7L of 77C.  Hit everything spot on, OG was 1.060 of 10L wort.  Just did the second dry hop today  - this should be a good one. 

Nice work Sam.  Its a steep learning curve as you get to know your system and fix any niggles in your process.  Looks like you're well on your way with solid looking recipes and some tasty beers to come.  Cheers  

'Waitangi Day Wiessbier'

10L Batch, 1.050 target OG, 13 IBU

1.02kg German Pilsner
0.70kg White wheat malt
0.60kg Flaked Wheat

7g NZ cascade @ 60miin
7g coriander seeds @ 15min
Orange zest (4 oranges) @ 15 min
7g NZ cascade @ 5 min

Mash @ 68C for 60min, batch sparge @ 77c

Hit my mash temp bang on - currently halfway though the boil and enjoying a 'hot wort scotch'

Trying out a little NZ Blonde/XPA today.

50.5% Gladfield Pils
41% Gladfield Ale
7% Caramalt
1.5% Acid Malt

Waimea @ 60 for 15ibu
10g Nelson, 5g Motueka @ 10 mins
20g Nelson, 10g Motueka @ flame out, 20 min steep.
20g Nelson, 10g Motueka, 10g Waimea @ dry hop

1.045, 4srm, about 25ibu.

Looking for something reasonably light with a big fruity Nelson character.

sounds pretty damn tasty to me!

how did this beer turn out Matt?  I tried Panhead XPA for the first time last night damn it was a good light beer...   very little reference to any XPA recipes on this forum.

Actually, mind if I pinch this recipe...sounds bloody delicious!!!


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