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Since this is the most popular thread on the RealBeer.co.nz forum I thought I would start it here just to see what happens

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Whoops, note hops in grams per litre are based of the combined weight. so 100g at 10, 200g at 0, 100g dry = 400g or 8g/l total. Happy days

At 33SRM that's a pretty dark red! Sounds great though thats a lot of gypsum.

Mmm not quite as rich red as I wanted but still looks nice ;) Yea it's pretty high, about 250ppm Sulphate and 100ish Calcium based on my calcs. Also brought the mash PH down to hopefully 5.5ish (EZ Water spreadsheet), I forgot to buy acid malt so added a touch extra to bring it down to the 5.2-5.6 range. With such a massive late hopping schedule wanted to really accentuate that bitterness

Planning a brew day on the deck today, it's a glorious, sunny, wind-free day in Lower Hutt.

Here's the basic recipe:

Style: American IPA

Batch Size: 24L

OG 1.055 to FG 1.015

12 SRM

40.3 IBU

Grain:4.8KG of Malteurop Pilsener, 1KG of Munich T1, 300g Crystal,

Hops: 45g US Cascade each at 60, 15, 1 min

Yeast: Safale us-05

Water: Lower Hutt's un-chlorinated bore water - 100,000 years in the making.

Any thoughts on the recipe?

Planning a dry hop ?

Probably not.  AFAIK the 1 min hops and drys hop serve the same purpose.

I think you'll find that you don't have nearly as much aroma as desired for an IPA with only kettle hops. I wouldn't hesitate to dry-hop that with an extra 100g US cascade since it's comparatively quite a mild hop. A lot of the aroma gets gassed out or transformed during fermentation.

Ah. I might have run out of Cascade by then. Can you suggest an alternative from Hersbrucker, Willamette, Magnum or Czech Saaz?


maybe use some Willamette to bitter and use the cascade to dry hop ?

OK, sounds like a plan. I'll have to get my skates on though, mid-mash at the moment..

SO me fermenters are full and I do not have enough bottles. Then the wife says "I need a beer for a party at my work and your Whisy Ale is it."


Buggar me.. I have to get this beer ready by March 1st.. which means it will be drunk a little young.

After spending yesterday freeing up the conical fermenter by moving the saison to a glass carboy for an extended stay...   my son and I have spent tonight brewing away.

It is mostly a real ale made of Golden Promise, Biscuit, Caramuich and a little Crystal 6. Hoped with Northern and finished with East Kent and Pacific Gem (weird mix that just worked).

It'll start at 1.059 and finish hopefully about 1.014 or so. IBU of about 32.7. 

It'll be a copper colour to match the single malt whiskey that goes into the brew after the primary fermentation. Gives it a little smack on the lips with about 5ml per litre of beer... just enough.


I warned the wife that if it is not ready by the 1st of March then she doesn't get to take it.

Whiskey Beer? Wow, Sounds Awesome. What sort of effect does the Whiskey have on the final flavour?


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